CJNE / pyporscheconnectapi

Python client library for Porsche Connect API
MIT License
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KeyError: 'Location' #31

Closed TimoD87 closed 7 months ago

TimoD87 commented 1 year ago

Now it worked for some hours, but now I get an new error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/cli.py", line 4, in <module>
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/cli.py", line 270, in cli
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/base_events.py", line 653, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/cli.py", line 67, in main
    data = await client.getCurrentOverview(vin)
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/client.py", line 460, in getCurrentOverview
    progressResult = await self._connection.post(
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/connection.py", line 251, in post
    headers = await self._createhead(application)
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/connection.py", line 296, in _createhead
    token = await self._requestToken(
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/connection.py", line 211, in _requestToken
    await self._login()
  File "/home/pi/pypo-main/pyporscheconnectapi/connection.py", line 177, in _login
    resume_url = resp.headers['Location']
KeyError: 'Location'
ERROR:asyncio:Unclosed client session
client_session: <aiohttp.client.ClientSession object at 0x7fb867b390>
ERROR:asyncio:Unclosed connector
connections: ['[(<aiohttp.client_proto.ResponseHandler object at 0x7fb8277c40>, 38.411622587)]']
connector: <aiohttp.connector.TCPConnector object at 0x7fb82b2f90>

Maybe they changed something in the response from the server?

sracing commented 11 months ago

Same here. I can confirm the same error after some hours.

fredriklj commented 7 months ago

Closing this issue as there has been several changes during the last few months which could/should have addressed this.