CJNE / pyporscheconnectapi

Python client library for Porsche Connect API
MIT License
44 stars 9 forks source link

APIs changed? #46

Open augmentedtraffic opened 2 weeks ago

augmentedtraffic commented 2 weeks ago

On the web site there was a notice about upcoming changes and now when I issue a request I still get data but no useful values vehicles = await client.getVehicles() for vehicle in vehicles: print(json.dumps(vehicle, indent=2)) vins = map(lambda v: v["vin"], vehicles) for vin in vins: data = await client.getCurrentOverview(vin) print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))

Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this?

VIN: xxxxModel: None Year: None datat is {'vin': 'xxx', 'oilLevel': None, 'fuelLevel': None, 'batteryLevel': None, 'remainingRanges': {'conventionalRange': None, 'electricalRange': None}, 'mileage': None, 'parkingLight': 'INVALID', 'parkingLightStatus': None, 'parkingBreak': 'INVALID', 'parkingBreakStatus': None, 'doors': {'frontLeft': 'INVALID', 'frontRight': 'INVALID', 'backLeft': 'INVALID', 'backRight': 'INVALID', 'frontTrunk': 'INVALID', 'backTrunk': 'INVALID', 'overallLockStatus': 'CLOSED_LOCKED'}, 'serviceIntervals': {'oilService': None, 'inspection': None}, 'tires': {'frontLeft': {'currentPressure': None, 'optimalPressure': None, 'differencePressure': None, 'tirePressureDifferenceStatus': 'UNKNOWN'}, 'frontRight': {'currentPressure': None, 'optimalPressure': None, 'differencePressure': None, 'tirePressureDifferenceStatus': 'UNKNOWN'}, 'backLeft': {'currentPressure': None, 'optimalPressure': None, 'differencePressure': None, 'tirePressureDifferenceStatus': 'UNKNOWN'}, 'backRight': {'currentPressure': None, 'optimalPressure': None, 'differencePressure': None, 'tirePressureDifferenceStatus': 'UNKNOWN'}}, 'windows': {'frontLeft': 'INVALID', 'frontRight': 'INVALID', 'backLeft': 'INVALID', 'backRight': 'INVALID', 'roof': 'INVALID', 'maintenanceHatch': 'INVALID', 'sunroof': {'status': 'INVALID', 'positionInPercent': None}}, 'parkingTime': None, 'overallOpenStatus': 'CLOSED', 'chargingStatus': None, 'carModel': None, 'engineType': None, 'chargingState': None}

IN: WP0CD2A9XRS257470 Model: None Year: None { "vin": "xxx", "oilLevel": null, "fuelLevel": null, "batteryLevel": null, "remainingRanges": { "conventionalRange": null, "electricalRange": null }, "mileage": null, "parkingLight": "INVALID", "parkingLightStatus": null, "parkingBreak": "INVALID", "parkingBreakStatus": null, "doors": { "frontLeft": "INVALID", "frontRight": "INVALID", "backLeft": "INVALID", "backRight": "INVALID", "frontTrunk": "INVALID", "backTrunk": "INVALID", "overallLockStatus": "CLOSED_LOCKED" }, "serviceIntervals": { "oilService": null, "inspection": null }, "tires": { "frontLeft": { "currentPressure": null, "optimalPressure": null, "differencePressure": null, "tirePressureDifferenceStatus": "UNKNOWN" }, "frontRight": { "currentPressure": null, "optimalPressure": null, "differencePressure": null, "tirePressureDifferenceStatus": "UNKNOWN" }, "backLeft": { "currentPressure": null, "optimalPressure": null, "differencePressure": null, "tirePressureDifferenceStatus": "UNKNOWN" }, "backRight": { "currentPressure": null, "optimalPressure": null, "differencePressure": null, "tirePressureDifferenceStatus": "UNKNOWN" } }, "windows": { "frontLeft": "INVALID", "frontRight": "INVALID", "backLeft": "INVALID", "backRight": "INVALID", "roof": "INVALID", "maintenanceHatch": "INVALID", "sunroof": { "status": "INVALID", "positionInPercent": null } }, "parkingTime": null, "overallOpenStatus": "CLOSED", "chargingStatus": null, "carModel": null, "engineType": null, "chargingState": null }


fredriklj commented 1 week ago

Indeed, the APIs we used to rely on are retired. So the current version if this library is completely defunct. I've had a first stab at the new APIs in this branch:


It currently only supports authentication and retrieving capabilities and status.

augmentedtraffic commented 1 week ago

OK I can get some valid data - looks like some changes in the JSON but will explore and see what I can for my use cases - thanks and I will let you know if it works

fredriklj commented 6 days ago

Can someone with am ICE-based drivetrain please post the output data from the 'overview' command (vin, location etc. redacted) using new_api branch? Would be most helpful, as I only have access to data from an EV.

augmentedtraffic commented 6 days ago

two ICEs - some parts redacted hope this helps - I think some things are slightly different even between the two cars.

{ "vin": "editted", "modelName": "Panamera editted", "customName": "", "modelType": { "code": "97AFR1", "year": "2023", "body": "SEDAN", "generation": "G2", "model": "PANAMERA", "engine": "COMBUSTION" }, "systemInfo": { "driverExperience": "0.5", "privacyStyle": 1 }, "exteriorColorName": "Volcano Grey Metallic/Volcano Grey Metallic", "color": { "primaryExteriorColor": "252625" }, "connect": true, "greyConnectStoreURL": "https://connect-store.porsche.com", "timestamp": "2024-06-19T23:15:01Z", "commands": [], "measurements": [ { "key": "OPEN_STATE_TOP", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "CHARGING_PROFILES", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "E_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_SERVICE_FLAP", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "BATTERY_CHARGING_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "CHARGING_SUMMARY", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "BATTERY_LEVEL", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_CHARGE_FLAP_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_SPOILER", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_CHARGE_FLAP_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "DEPARTURES", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "REMOTE_ACCESS_AUTHORIZATION", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:01Z", "isEnabled": true } }, { "key": "GLOBAL_PRIVACY_MODE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:01Z", "isEnabled": false } }, { "key": "CLIMATIZER_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "TIMERS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "HEATING_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "BLEID_DDADATA", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "ACV_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "FUEL_RESERVE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:01Z", "percent": 15 } }, { "key": "THEFT_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "LICENSE_DEACTIVATED" } }, { "key": "ALARM_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "LICENSE_DEACTIVATED" } }, { "key": "VTS_MODES", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "LICENSE_DEACTIVATED" } }, { "key": "GPS_LOCATION", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T22:27:17Z", "location": "editted", "direction": 341 } }, { "key": "PAIRING_CODE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "MILEAGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "kilometers": 12130 } }, { "key": "OIL_SERVICE_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T18:26:07Z", "kilometers": 7400 } }, { "key": "OIL_SERVICE_TIME", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T18:26:07Z", "days": 137 } }, { "key": "MAIN_SERVICE_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T18:26:07Z", "kilometers": 17900 } }, { "key": "MAIN_SERVICE_TIME", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T18:26:07Z", "days": 117 } }, { "key": "PARKING_BRAKE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOn": false } }, { "key": "RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "kilometers": 371 } }, { "key": "FUEL_LEVEL", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "percent": 61 } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_FRONT_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_REAR_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_FRONT_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_REAR_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_LID_REAR", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_LID_FRONT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_FRONT_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_REAR_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_FRONT_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_REAR_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_SUNROOF", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OIL_LEVEL_CURRENT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T22:26:07Z", "percent": 25 } }, { "key": "OIL_LEVEL_MAX", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T18:26:07Z", "liters": 2.0 } }, { "key": "OIL_LEVEL_MIN_WARNING", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T18:26:07Z", "isEnabled": false } }, { "key": "LOCK_STATE_VEHICLE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:22Z", "isLocked": true } }, { "key": "PARKING_LIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:30Z", "isOn": false } }, { "key": "SERVICE_PREDICTIONS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "PRED_PRECON_LOCATION_EXCEPTIONS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "PRED_PRECON_USER_SETTINGS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "INTERMEDIATE_SERVICE_TIME", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "INTERMEDIATE_SERVICE_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } } ] }

{ "vin": "editted", "modelName": "911 editted", "customName": "", "modelType": { "code": "992650", "year": "2024", "body": "CABRIO", "generation": "992", "model": "911", "engine": "COMBUSTION" }, "systemInfo": { "driverExperience": "0.5", "privacyStyle": 1 }, "exteriorColorName": "Jet Black Metallic/Cabriolet Roof in Black", "color": { "primaryExteriorColor": "000000" }, "connect": true, "greyConnectStoreURL": "https://connect-store.porsche.com", "timestamp": "2024-06-19T23:15:23Z", "commands": [], "measurements": [ { "key": "OPEN_STATE_LID_REAR", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_REAR_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "CHARGING_PROFILES", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "E_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "BATTERY_CHARGING_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "CHARGING_SUMMARY", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "BATTERY_LEVEL", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_CHARGE_FLAP_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_SPOILER", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_REAR_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_CHARGE_FLAP_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "DEPARTURES", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_SUNROOF", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "REMOTE_ACCESS_AUTHORIZATION", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:23Z", "isEnabled": true } }, { "key": "GLOBAL_PRIVACY_MODE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:23Z", "isEnabled": false } }, { "key": "CLIMATIZER_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "TIMERS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "HEATING_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "BLEID_DDADATA", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "ACV_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "FUEL_RESERVE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:23Z", "percent": 15 } }, { "key": "THEFT_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "LICENSE_DEACTIVATED" } }, { "key": "ALARM_STATE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "LICENSE_DEACTIVATED" } }, { "key": "VTS_MODES", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "LICENSE_DEACTIVATED" } }, { "key": "GPS_LOCATION", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T20:59:27Z", "location": "editted", "direction": 165 } }, { "key": "PAIRING_CODE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "MILEAGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "kilometers": 2673 } }, { "key": "OIL_SERVICE_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T16:58:27Z", "kilometers": 12400 } }, { "key": "OIL_SERVICE_TIME", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T16:58:27Z", "days": 198 } }, { "key": "MAIN_SERVICE_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T16:58:27Z", "kilometers": 27400 } }, { "key": "MAIN_SERVICE_TIME", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T16:58:27Z", "days": 563 } }, { "key": "PARKING_BRAKE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOn": true } }, { "key": "RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "kilometers": 473 } }, { "key": "FUEL_LEVEL", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "percent": 93 } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_FRONT_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_DOOR_FRONT_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_LID_FRONT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_FRONT_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_REAR_LEFT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_FRONT_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_WINDOW_REAR_RIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_TOP", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OPEN_STATE_SERVICE_FLAP", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOpen": false } }, { "key": "OIL_LEVEL_CURRENT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T15:25:05Z", "percent": 100 } }, { "key": "OIL_LEVEL_MAX", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T15:25:05Z", "liters": 1.0 } }, { "key": "OIL_LEVEL_MIN_WARNING", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-18T15:25:05Z", "isEnabled": false } }, { "key": "LOCK_STATE_VEHICLE", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isLocked": true } }, { "key": "PARKING_LIGHT", "status": { "isEnabled": true }, "value": { "lastModified": "2024-06-19T23:15:45Z", "isOn": false } }, { "key": "SERVICE_PREDICTIONS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "PRED_PRECON_LOCATION_EXCEPTIONS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "PRED_PRECON_USER_SETTINGS", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "INTERMEDIATE_SERVICE_TIME", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } }, { "key": "INTERMEDIATE_SERVICE_RANGE", "status": { "isEnabled": false, "cause": "NOT_SUPPORTED" } } ] }

CTRDevelopments commented 6 days ago

Hopefully you can help. How do i install this updated version?

Do I need the original HACS integration and then install this over the top? Or do I just install this (then how do I access the date in HA?)

sorry for being a bit simple


fredriklj commented 5 days ago

Thanks @augmentedtraffic . Helps a lot to know the units and attributes for oil, fuel, etc.

@CTRDevelopments, if you want to test it out, check out the new_api branch and install using pip. But for know I got what is needed. No need to go through the hass integration at this point.

moballa commented 5 days ago

@fredriklj - I'm unable to get your new_api branch working. I tried example2.py and am getting the following "401 Unathorized" on the vehicles endpoint

DEBUG:pyporscheconnectapi.connection:TraceRequestEndParams(method='GET', url=URL('https://api.ppa.porsche.com/app/connect/v1/vehicles/WPXXXXXXXXXX'), headers=<CIMultiDict()>, response=<ClientResponse(https://api.ppa.porsche.com/app/connect/v1/vehicles/WPXXXXXXXXXXX?mf=BATTERY_LEVEL&mf=LOCK_STATE_VEHICLE) [401 Unauthorized]>

It seems to be logging in because it is able to retrieve the VIN associated with my account.

The pip install pyporscheconnectapi is installing 0.1.7 from November 2023 ... is this correct??

moballa commented 5 days ago

Nevermind, I overrode the python library package with the version in the new_api branch. All good. Works again, thanks!

CTRDevelopments commented 5 days ago

Thanks @augmentedtraffic . Helps a lot to know the units and attributes for oil, fuel, etc.

@CTRDevelopments, if you want to test it out, check out the new_api branch and install using pip. But for know I got what is needed. No need to go through the hass integration at this point.

@fredriklj , super. I have installed via PIP but how do i get the data? Sorry if this seems like a noobie type question. Cheers

augmentedtraffic commented 5 days ago

if a new install this should work

pip3 install git+https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git@new_api

(or just pip ... if you only have python 3 installed)

CTRDevelopments commented 5 days ago

@augmentedtraffic - thanks.

I then got the message below. Should this now appear in the integrations page on Home Assistant? Cheers

➜ ~ pip3 install git+https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git@new_api
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://wheels.home-assistant.io/musllinux-index/ Collecting git+https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git@new_api Cloning https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git (to revision new_api) to /tmp/pip-req-build-2puhbg35 Running command git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git /tmp/pip-req-build-2puhbg35 Running command git checkout -b new_api --track origin/new_api branch 'new_api' set up to track 'origin/new_api'. Switched to a new branch 'new_api' Resolved https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git to commit e3d6bd2e1a5b59f5fb1daed99c3e0a7a36c68b10 Installing build dependencies ... done Getting requirements to build wheel ... done Installing backend dependencies ... done Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... done Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp<4 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (3.9.5) Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from aiohttp<4->pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (1.3.1) Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from aiohttp<4->pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (23.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from aiohttp<4->pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (1.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from aiohttp<4->pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (6.0.5) Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from aiohttp<4->pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (1.9.4) Requirement already satisfied: idna>=2.0 in /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages (from yarl<2.0,>=1.0->aiohttp<4->pyporscheconnectapi==0.2.0) (3.7) Building wheels for collected packages: pyporscheconnectapi Building wheel for pyporscheconnectapi (pyproject.toml) ... done Created wheel for pyporscheconnectapi: filename=pyporscheconnectapi-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl size=10317 sha256=6db70634844efc29b3543b79f408b23f38576bc1e7ad910d98174a5404612c56 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-zkzipvsw/wheels/47/0d/4b/31eaf25a388cd6bdb42f73be9b38019628c96cf6a441c20b54 Successfully built pyporscheconnectapi Installing collected packages: pyporscheconnectapi Attempting uninstall: pyporscheconnectapi Found existing installation: pyporscheconnectapi 0.1.7 Uninstalling pyporscheconnectapi-0.1.7: Successfully uninstalled pyporscheconnectapi-0.1.7 Successfully installed pyporscheconnectapi-0.2.0

fredriklj commented 4 days ago

@CTRDevelopments No, you would need to clone the "new_api" branch from the ha-porscheconnect repo into custom_components of your config directory for hass as well, to override the current (non-functional) version of the integration from HACS.

But beware, it is in very early stage of development and currently only have a few read-only entities. It will take some time before we (hopefully) can have a functional integration again.

CTRDevelopments commented 3 days ago

@fredriklj Thanks for the info. I have now installed the original integration,

then run - pip3 install git+https://github.com/CJNE/pyporscheconnectapi.git@new_api

Then copied the files from the github sub folder - pyporscheconnectapi to home assistant (init.py, cli.py, client.py, connection.py, const.py exceptions.py) - do i need any others? I replaced all original files with the new ones

It is now giving me an error 'config flow could not be loaded, unknown error'

not sure what I have missed.


fredriklj commented 3 days ago

The repo you need to clone into custom_components is here:


CTRDevelopments commented 3 days ago

The repo you need to clone into custom_components is here:


ahh so the original repo. Does installing this from HACS do this automatically?

I am manually downloading files to my PC and then uploading through 'studio code viewer' in Home Assistant. Should this work?
