CJNE / thermiagenesis

Home assistant custom component for Thermia Inverter/Mega heat pumps
MIT License
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Add support for Thermia modbus Athena Genesis platform 16 #285

Open markdybdal opened 2 months ago

markdybdal commented 2 months ago

Hello! Thank you for an awsome integration :) My Thermia Athena has recently been updated to run Genesis version 16.

Together with that, Thermia has released an updated modbus protocol for Genesis v. 16 for the Athena model. Modbus_protocol_Athena_Genesis_16_00_X030874en.pdf

It would be much appreciated if you could add support for the above mentioned protocol.

The protocol is attached or can be found here: http://www.tcmadmin.thermia.se/docroot/dokumentbank/Modbus_protocol_Athena_Genesis_16_00_X030874en.pdf

Thank you!