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Review 'Destroy Mordor' religious conversions for all areas #235

Closed Jermanlordy closed 2 years ago

Jermanlordy commented 2 years ago

After Mordor is destroyed thru descision Saruman converts to Mulkheri even though it would make more sense for this to be The White Hand Cult

jj248 commented 2 years ago

See above issue re: Golden King when reviewing.

JukeJukestar commented 2 years ago

Ithilien Lidless eye counties usually stay lidless eye Ive also seen some counties in Nirn survive, but I think having a few should be fine ot represent the few surviving sauron cultist holdouts that slowly get destroyed/ converted

jj248 commented 2 years ago

@JukeJukestar - Is this on the latest version or an anecdote from the past? As I recently updated the logic for this maybe a few days ago.

JukeJukestar commented 2 years ago

This was last week when I did my Cassimiri Gondor playthrough and defeated sauron

jj248 commented 2 years ago

Best to test on the latest version then as that'll be pre fixes.

JukeJukestar commented 2 years ago

so did some testing: where I went around the world as sauron and converted a bunch of realms to 100% lidless eye, before destroying mordor

Remerod commented 2 years ago

the mouth and his orc counties convert to kingsmen if he still holds the duchy of barad dur, the county of barad dur is given to a random shakhburzdai uruk (I actually think that maybe the mouth should stay lidless eye as a sort of "post sauron remnant" to be annihilated soon

maybe The Mouth would go into hiding(if alive & ai) and help forming something like the Cult of Herumor or the Black Cartel

but this might be feature creeping as of 2.2 and i think either kingsmen or morgoth cultist faith would fit for the mouth to convert to, but i can see him stay as lidless eye faith to as a loyal servant to his master ( falsely hoping for his master to return).


JukeJukestar commented 2 years ago

After the religious update in abrakhan: cult of zigur is not destroyed, its only replaced by kanra in counties personally held by the golden king at the time of his death

Remerod commented 2 years ago

After the religious update in abrakhan: cult of zigur is not destroyed, its only replaced by kanra in counties personally held by the golden king at the time of his death

is this the only thing left to be fixed? or are there other stuff left that's need testing on this issue?

Remerod commented 2 years ago

it's fine apparently, closing this