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Concept: Dol Guldur & orcs of Mirkwood #427

Closed Remerod closed 11 months ago

Remerod commented 2 years ago


I’ve made this issue to add a general idea of what Dol Guldur and the mirkwood orcs are. And to add more stuff for it to the future, there might be a bit of a “big” dump, but hopefully the stuff here are all relevant.

Inspirational Background Lore Bits

So I’ve added these lore texts as inspiration to what we could add to Dol Guldur and the orcs of Mirkwood, not everything here should be taken as 100% facts.


Click to expand General timeline for Dol Guldur Amon Lanc Amon Lanc, the Naked Hill, was a hill in the southern parts of [Greenwood the Great]( It had once been the capital of the [Woodland Realm]( of the [Silvan Elves]( under [Oropher]( in the [Second Age]([[1]]( Dol Guldur It was in T.A. [1050]( that a [shadow]( fell upon Greenwood and it began to be called [Mirkwood]([[6]]( The hostile entity was known as "the [Necromancer](" by the peoples 2063 Gandals enters dol Guldur, Sauron leaves 2460 the Necromancer returned to Dol Guldur. Again In [2850]( Gandalf again entered Dol Guldur, found the dying Thráin, and was entrusted with the [map]( and key to give to [Thorin](, although Thráin could not tell him his own or his son's name before he died. Gandalf confirmed that the Necromancer, the master of Dol Guldur at that time, was Sauron. 2941 white council enters dol Guldur, and Sauron leaves for Mordor In [2951]( Sauron came to [Mordor](, his plans now ready, and sent [Khamûl](, the second chief[[9]](, and two other [Nazgûl]( back to Dol Guldur Dol Guldur was finally destroyed and cleansed by the [Elves]( of Lórien, led by [Celeborn]( and [Galadriel](, after Sauron's fall.

Dol Guldur

Some of the internal organizations within Dol Guldur

Click to expand **MERP-Dol Guldur** _3.1 OVERLORDS_ Although the many duties and imperatives in Dol Guldur are dispersed down through the Lords and their Orders, all true authority rests wirh the Overlords, the three most eminent individuals within the stronghold. Of course the ultimate, absolute figure of power since the founding of Dol Guldur is Sauron--the Necromancer (BS. "Burlaugash")-who long ago titled himself the "Durbaz-u-Throng Burlauga" (B.S. "Supreme Ruler of the Hill of Sorcery"). His second in commatttl is the Second of the Khamul the Easterling." Dol GuIdur' 5 third Overlord is"the Mouth of Sauron. Khamul the NazguI holds the rank of the Gonon-uKazgfunhoth (B.S. "Great Commander of the Horde of the Silent Shadow"). He is also the W arlotd ofRhovanion, the Warlord of Dol Guldur, and the Lieutenant (aka Keeper or Warden) of Dol Guidur. Answering only to Sauton or the Witch-king, Khamul is the second most powerful figure in the Hill of Sorcery. The Mouth ofSauron is the greatest of the Dark Lord's mortal servanrs. Nearly always at his master's side, he holds the position of the Khaunulor-u-Thriing Burlauga (B.S. "Chancellor of the Hill of Sorcery")' His unique status as Sauron's spokesman makes him answerable to no one, save the Lord of the Rings. Vlhile he publicallydefers to Khamell, he only obeys the Evil One. He acts on the Easterling's word only when it IS clear that the Lieutenant of the Tower holds Sauron's specific mandate or conveys the Dark Lord's specific edict. While the authority of chI' Ulair Easterling and the Black Numenorean Mouth both pale next to the ominous majesty of the Dark Lord, they t"nJoy the special privilege of giving counsel to their Mastter. (Only the other Nazgul share this right.) Their most important role, though, is to administer all the dark affairs of the citadel with which the Necromancer has no desire to concern himself. For above all else the Dark Lord is consumed by age-long plots and the endless search tor the One Ring. The two lesser Overlords maintain distinct spheres of command, each of which is well-suited to their character. Khamul the Gonon (~ Warlord), commands both the Kazgfunhoth (Horde) and the Smiths. Meanwhile, the Mouth of Sauron. the Khaunúlor, oversees the Conclave: and the Slave-masters. _3.1 THE LORDS_ – hard to read - titles _3.3 THE ORDERS_ – hard to read first part **THE SMITHs** The Order of Smiths is the smallest and least powerful group within the hierarchy of Dol Guldur. In the years since the Great Plague, however-due the efforts and wisdom of Celedhring, the Gothtûttûl (B.S. "Master Smith"}-the Smiths have increased their influence. Now that Gondor and the Northmen of Rhovan ion seem less able to guard themselves, the Kazgilmhoth launch ever-increasing numbers of raids and skirmishes. These attacks help address Sauron's army's seemingly-endless demand for armor and weaponry. The flow of booty supplements the work product of Dol Guldur's numerous smithies. Thus, Celedhring manages through his cunning counsel to lobby for his Order by subtly emphasizing the essential part they play in warcraft. **THE CoNCLAVE** The Conclave first formed at the behest of the Necromancer soon after the establishment of Dol Guldur. It functions under the guidance and direction of the Mouth of Sauron. The Black Numenoreans gathered gifted but corrupt individuals from the many kingdoms of Men across western Endor, wilting their talents with those of a few exceptionally crafty and sinister Orcs and Trolls. These "Advocates" (B.S. "Kîshothi'), all of whom became learned in sorcery or other magic, comprise an evil assembly whose central tenet is the worship of the Necromancer. Now. the Conclave exercises great power within the hierarchy of Dol Guldur, second only to that wielded by the Kazgûmhoth. Their primary role is to ensure that the underlings of the Necromancer main unswervingly loyal and obedient to their Lord. **THE SLAVE-MASTERS** Dol Guldur, being a citadel of huge proportions, requires countless and unending tasks of Labor. In order to release the army from this multitude of work the Order of the Slave-masters was formed. The Lord of this Order is known as the Snagagoth (B.S. "Slave Lord"). Andalónil, a powerful Raug (S. "Demon"), serves as the Snagagoth of Dol Guldur. He is the original Slave Lord, and the only figure to ever hold the title. Andalónil commands a formidable group of cruel and heartless minions called the Hrizgthraki (B.S. "Pain-bringers"; lit. "Overseers"), who oversee the citadel's seemingly countless slaves. The Hrizgthrak! come from all the races within Dol Guldur, though Uruk-hai and Olog-hai predominate. **THE WHEEL** Thralls perform the most laborious jobs, and the Hrizgthraki delight in watching them suffer through their toil. Their typical tasks include the excavation of debris from the mines or new construction, the transportation of supplies from one part of the fortress to another, and all the cleaning throughout the citadel. The most feared and deadly of these tasks, involves working on "the Wheel." Just above the First Level is a room that the Thralls have come to dread worse than death. Within that chamber is "the Wheel," which is an immense pulley system designed to carry water to the upper levels of the fortress. A huge crank with many long and well worn handles drives this giant mechanism. No less than fifty Thralls must tum the crank in order to lift the great water buckets--ceaseless, back breaking, and often lethal labor requiring the Thralls to work day and night with rarely occasions to take water or rest. _3.4 THE LESSER INHABITANTS_ **THE ORC-CLANS OF THE WEB** While the Necromancer's Orcs have over the centuries formed into a single tribe with a common language and customs, they are by no means a monolithic force. Most make their warrens in the huge labyrinth. Known as the Web, where the living spaces are separated by long stretches of tunnel; and they have divided into many different clans, each with its own territory and leader. (These clans are not distinct from the military divisions described in the Following section.) These loose organizations continually change **THE GULDURIM** The Men of Dol Guldur, or "Guldurim," (S. "Sorcery-host") are far more respected and organized than theSnagi of the Web. These people, like the Uruk-hai and Olog-hai, dwell within Dol Guldur. But, like the Orcs, the original Secondborn inhabitants hailed £tom a variery of backgrolUlds. And though now most Men of the Hill of Sorcery are born and raised in the dark halls, many claim a particular ancestry and few have intermixed to the extent of the Orcs. The Guldurim are a varied lot and include groups from dozens of peoples. They include Logatb, Sagath, Asdriags, Variags, some few Nortbmen and Dorwinrim, as well as a small number of DUnedain and Black NUmen6reans. Easterlings dominate the ranks of the Guldurim of the Kazglimhoth, while representatives of other races tend to serve the Conclave or the Smiths. Though these various peoples remain somewhat separated, most dwell together on the relatively peaceful Second Level of the fortress. **THE KAZGUMHOTH** -took this from notionclubarchives but MERP Dol Guldur 4.0 THE KAZGUMHOTH have a much more detailed sections of them, describing a lot of organizations, titles and more about them. The Guldur-Orcs( or Kazgûmhuth ( B.S. "Horde of the Silent Shadow." ) were the orc-tribe which venerated the [Necromancer of Dol Guldur]( Kazgûmhoth were effectively a coalition of a larger number of smaller tribes, among which the Blogrum-Hai,the Orcs of the Flame, Shirkag, Uruk-Harnak, Uruk-Thang and Uruk-Torg were the best-known.After the first defeat of the Necromancer by the [White Council]( the Kazgûmhoth coalition was broken and much turmoil and inner strifes caused the emergence of smaller splinter-factions and lesser alliances.The [Nazgûl]( [Khamul the Easterling]( however had little trouble to reunite these bands under the Banner of the Eye and so at the end of the [Third Age]( the Guldur-Orcs made up of the [Bûrzthrâng](, Durbúrz-stazg,Dushmau, Frûmhon, Hîshtgropor, Maukglob, Mirk-eaves Orcs, Taughâsh, Hîs-Urdan, Mor-Hai, Ûngund and several additional clans.

Characters Of Dol Guldur and around it from the One Ring

Click to expand _The one ring-heart of the wild-southern Mirkwood-Notable characters_ **The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur** Three Nazgûl were sent to Mirkwood by Sauron in 2951, and the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur is their commander. Once a king of Men, he is second only to the Witch-king in malevolence, and is capable of more independent action than the other Ringwraiths. Of the three Nazgûl in Mirkwood, the Lieutenant is the most dangerous and the most cruel. The Lieutenant’s mission is twofold. First, he must rebuild the strength of Dol Guldur. The Dark Lord’s long preparations for war have finally started, and while he is summoning all wicked creatures from his Dark Tower in Mordor, he needs to extend his reach to threaten the North and West. Sauron originally intended to set the Dragon of Erebor against the Woodland Realm, but now the situation has changed greatly. The Battle of Five Armies has reduced grievously the strength of Orcs and Wargs, and united the quarrelling Free Folk. The Dragon is dead, there is a King in Dale once more, and the Dwarven Kingdom under the Mountain is restored — and now even the Beornings and the Woodmen of Western Mirkwood are growing in number. The Lieutenant must end all this, starting with the friends of Radagast, his ancient enemy. Second, the Lieutenant must search for the One Ring. Behind all his plans and schemes, Sauron is always seeking his lost treasure, as he cannot accept the thought that it might have been destroyed when it was taken from him long ago. So, if the Ring is lost, and if it has not been claimed by some Elf-King or mortal lord, then the Lieutenant will find it. The Lieutenant remains in spirit-form while in Dol Guldur, speaking from the shadows as the Necromancer did. When he must go abroad, he is clad in an Easterling-forged suit of black armour. _The one ring-heart of the wild-Mountains of Mirkwood-Notable characters_ **The Ghost of the Forest** The Ghost of the Forest is one of the three Ringwraiths sent north by Sauron. Of the others, one remains in Dol Guldur, and one serves as a messenger between Mirkwood and Mordor. The third Ringwraith’s role is to awaken all the evil things in the wood and bind them to Sauron’s command. In this time, the Nine mostly go abroad unclad and invisible, and cannot be seen by mortals. Even the Wood-elves can perceive them only as a creeping shadow. The Ghost of the Forest is a thing of horror and darkness. He is a whispering voice in the shadows, a chill in the air that stops the heart, a weaver of malice. The Ghost flits through Mirkwood, from Dol Guldur to the northernmost trees, inspiring terror as he goes. He visits the Orcs in the caves, bidding them march to Dol Guldur. He gathers the Wargs, making them assemble in great packs. He goads the Werewolf of Mirkwood to redouble its attacks. The Ghost does not neglect the mortal Men who live within the forest. To evil Men, he is a shadowy presence that promises power if they do his master’s bidding. He whispers to the greedy and the weak-souled, sowing dissent and hatred among the Woodmen and the merchants travelling to Dale and Lake-town. He poisons the hearts and minds of good men, sapping their spirits and weakening them. _The one ring-heart of the wild- The Narrows of the Forest-Notable Characters_ **The Messenger of Mordor** The second of the three Nazgûl sent to Mirkwood is the Messenger. His mission is to let the will of the Dark Lord be known in Mirkwood, and to carry the orders of the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur to the Ghost of the Forest. The Messenger is the first of the Nazgûl to take the form of a rider dressed in black. His missions take him through the Narrows and then south across the Dead Marshes to the entrance to Mordor. He prefers the eastern route, as the western vales along the Anduin are too closely watched. The Messenger has a growing network of spies in Mirkwood. Some serve him out of fear, others for gold, others because they hope to ally themselves with the winning side in the war to come. Not all of them know who or what they serve. He has some spies among the Woodmen, fewer among the Beornings, and many in Dale and Lake-town. _The one ring-heart of the wild-southern Mirkwood-Notable characters_ **Maghaz, Orc-Captain** Among the Orcs, it is generally the strongest that prevails. Those Orcs who demonstrate the greatest hatred and most dreadful wrath are placed in command of their lessers. The monsters are led by worse monsters. Maghaz is an exception to this. To look at him, you would not think him very dangerous at all — he is small for an Orc, with a pot belly and one bleary-white eye and one red one. He is an old Orc from the Misty Mountains, whelped in the caves under Mount Gundabad many years ago, yet he has risen to command Black Uruks from Mordor. He triumphs through cleverness, not strength of arms. He’s seen many campaigns, and watched many a stronger Orc fall to an Elf-arrow or the spears of the Woodmen, or be torn down by other Orcs. Maghaz has learned to play his fellow Orcs off against each other, and to ingratiate himself with the dark powers. Five years ago, when the White Council attacked Dol Guldur, Maghaz was nowhere near the citadel. Neither was he leading the charge at the Battle of Five Armies. 107 No, Maghaz let younger, stronger Orcs bully their way to the front, while he took a lesser position, commanding the rear guard at Fenbridge Castle. The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur recognises Maghaz’s cunning and tactical skills, and has given him command of the Orc garrison in Mirkwood. Maghaz prefers to lead from the rear, so he sits at the Fenbridge and lets other Orcs die in his stead. (See also the Monsters of the Wild chapter on page 111). _The one ring-heart of the wild-southern Mirkwood-Notable characters_ **Mogdred** Once, Mogdred was a warrior and hunter from Rhosgobel, green as the first leaves of spring. Orcs captured him in battle and carried him off to the dungeons of Dol Guldur. There, he chose to serve instead of facing the tortures of the pit. He rose swiftly in the Necromancer’s favour, and became Captain of the Guard. He was clad in Orc-mail from head to toe, and given an ancient blade forged by those renegades called the Black Númenóreans. Mogdred was feared as the right hand of the Necromancer. In truth, his role was to deceive, not to conquer. To maintain his disguise, Sauron could not send the Ringwraiths to do his bidding, nor could he reveal himself. Therefore, he used Mogdred as his mouthpiece among his servants, and as an envoy among his enemy. When Sauron fled Dol Guldur, Mogdred was forsaken, left to command a fortress deserted of its defenders. From a high place, he spied the Wise approaching and fear overcame him. Angry at the Necromancer’s betrayal, Mogdred fled Dol Guldur with a retinue of trusted followers. Today, he inhabits the tower upon Amon Bauglir, the Tyrant’s Hill, and has gathered many warriors and fell beasts to his side, with the intent of creating his own kingdom in the wood. Whether he shall ally himself with Dol Guldur once more, or try to preserve his petty domain by allying with the Woodmen against his former masters is a question he has yet to answer. Note: this sound kind of cool, if there is a place for him I think it’s worth putting him somewhere. And if nothing else, he could be dead but have a place in our history. At 2960 he is over 40, he is the son of Ingomer Axebreaker. _The one ring-heart of the wild-southern Mirkwood-Notable characters_ **The Sorceress of Mirkwood** Her true name is Zimraphel. She is of the line of the Black Númenóreans from Umbar. While her kin fell into sloth and decadence, she studied the stars and the mystic arts, hoping to find a way to cheat death. Word reached her in the distant south of a powerful Necromancer in Mirkwood, and she sailed up the Anduin in a black boat to pledge her service to him. It amused Sauron to teach her sorcery, and she hoped that he would give her a Ring of Power. Now that the Necromancer is gone, she fled the wrath of the Wizards and took refuge in the Demon’s Tower, in the far south-east of Mirkwood. So far, she has ignored all the entreaties of the Nazgûl to return to Dol Guldur, and plots instead to steal one of their Rings. Little humanity is left in her. She retains the semblance of her mortal form, but her soul is withered and blighted. She knows more of the inner workings of Dol Guldur than any save the Nazgûl, but has no interest in aiding the Free Peoples. All she desires is a Ring... Note: maybe make her less power hungry, I think more sorcerers working for Khamul would fit the Dol Guldur setting, and whatever this character fits as an independent character from that or not could be intresting. Either way, who doesn’t like a “black Numenorean”(but really Umbarean) sorcerer, also be nice to get a female in the evil mirkwood setting.

The one ring Places

Click to expand _The One ring-Heart of the wild-Southern Mirkwood-Notable Places_ **Demon’s Tower (Minas Raug**) The Demon’s Tower stands in the heart of a tangled thicket, its topmost battlements hardly taller than the surrounding trees. It is made of dark stone quarried in the Mountains of Mirkwood; every stone bears runes of power engraved by the lords of Dol Guldur. Attached to the tower are a walled bailey and several outbuildings. The Demon’s Tower is Dol Guldur’s eastern outpost, commanding the forest trail that leads south, but that is not its true purpose. After they drove the Necromancer from Dol Guldur, the Wizards discovered that Sauron himself created the Demon’s Tower for some sinister project. Its design mirrors that of the Tower of Spells atop the Hill of Sorcery itself, suggesting that Sauron built this tower to work some foul magic, possibly to call shades from beyond. Even among the Orcs, this is a place of terror, for none know what horrors may lurk in the chambers beneath the tower. The Sorceress of Mirkwood now rules the tower. She commands a small and unreliable garrison of Orcs, as well as a few human mercenaries from the south. Of late, scouts have seen strange lights in the upper windows of the tower, and Radagast fears the Sorceress intends to continue the vile work of Sauron. **Tyrant’s Hill (Amon Bauglir)** A fortress stands upon a wooded rise on the edge of the wood, some fifty miles north of Dol Guldur. The Elves named the rise the Tyrant’s Hill many years ago, for it was from the keep that sits upon it that many raiding parties issued forth. The tower was built by Orcs, who hewed the stone out of the hillside and cut living wood from the forest to make it. By night, the howling of the Wargs can be heard for miles around. The keep was seized shortly after the fall of Dol Guldur by Mogdred and his followers, who slew the garrison and claimed it for their own. The Tyrant’s Hill is but a fraction of the size of Dol Guldur, but it is a greater fortification than any the Woodmen command, and from his high seat Mogdred can inflict terrible injury on his kinsfolk if he chooses. So far, he is content to demand tribute from the small settlements in the Nether Vales, but his cold heart turns ever north to Rhosgobel. **Fenbridge Castle** Foul marshes surround Dol Guldur on three sides. The easiest way to cross these swamps is via the Fenbridge, a snaking line of orc-built crossings that run from hillock to hillock, and the only way onto the Fenbridge is through Fenbridge Castle. Fenbridge Castle is a sprawling, unplanned fortress; it started as a mere gatehouse, but has had innumerable other towers and bastions added on over the years. Fenbridge once supplied food and manpower to Dol Guldur. Maghaz commands Fenbridge Castle, in charge of a much reduced garrison. ![image]( The One Ring-Hearth of the Wild-Southern Mirkwood Map

Goldur Sorcers

Click to expand The [Sorcerer]( Caste of [Dol Guldur]( recruited their Acolytes from many different peoples: [Easterlings](, [Northrons](, [Dorwinrim](, and even the occasional [Black Númenóreans]( They called themselves Kîshothî (B.S."Advocates") or Laugashî (B.S."Sorcerers") and acted as the ambassadors, [priests]( and henchmen of the [Necromancer]( or his puppet-ruler (usually one of the [Nazgûl](, [Khamûl]( the Shadow of the East). Some of the mightier Guldur Sorcerers were "rewarded" with "immortality" and had become [Ringwights]( Note: obviously they won’t becoming ringwrights Organisation The [leader]( of the Guldur Sorcerers was the Fha-laugash (B.S."High-Priest") who supervised the Kîshothi and the smaller number of lesser Smalaugashî (B.S."Acolytes"). The Fha-laugash of the conclave had to answer to the [Guldur Mouth](, the direct voice of the [Necromancer]( Teachings To the outside the Guldur Conclave taught clouded and superstitious reverence of [spirits]( and the dead and spread the various prophecies of the Necromancer. Only in the inner circles of the Conclave the dark lord was openly revered as a deity. Notes: obviously this could have been represented as a religion, but personally I prefer them to be lidless eye so that might make this harder to represent ingame, maybe we can showcase this with a holy order and traits? Because I think showcasing some sorcerers somehow would be neat for Dol Guldur

AOTR Dol Guldur

Click to expand So Age of the Ring as some neat stuff for Dol Guldur which we might want to incorporate. Here is a link to their faction planning & wiki; Heros [Krimpûl the Torturer]( 'An orc of exceptional cruelty, Krimpûl rose ruthlessly through the ranks of Dol Guldur's Orc-garrison, until his Lieutenant finally took notice and put him to work in a place where his talents could come to full fruition.' Note: a commander/knight? Or maybe a barony holder [Cargást](, Lord of the Barrows 'A great King of Rhovanion in life, Cargást has long forgotten his true name. He was among the first to rise when the Necromancer discovered the barrows of his kin, and serves his master with dark fervor.' Note: if we get a Wraith culture going, I think this character is a good candidate to implement Potential MaA: [**Orc Gaolers**]( [Dol Guldur's]( jailors are not granted fates much improved from those they capture. In the end, all must bend and crawl before the [Necromancer's]( dark might. These pale, emaciated orcs serve their master out of fear rather than loyalty and have been driven insane from their perpetual torment. [**Tomb Guard**]( "Many dark tunnels and tombs were dug into Amon Lanc to house the Necromancer's subjects and keep them hidden from the prying eyes of the White Council. They were guarded by ancient orcs of singular mind, rotted and decayed." Necromantic themed orcs. [**Armored Castellans**]( Nameless and with no will of their own, the dreaded Castellans of Dol Guldur are eternally bound to the Dark Lord's command. These evil spirits have inhabited suits of armour to wage war with the Elves of the [Woodland Realm]( and [Lothlórien]( Note: These are wights i take it, so it depends what we do with that. There also other AotR ”undead” troops.

LOTRO – Dol Guldur

Click to expand **Cultures:** _Angmarim_ are [evil Men]( who serve the [Witch-king]( of [Angmar]( They are counted among the Black Númenóreans, Men of the same race as the [Dúnedain]( but in thrall to the dark powers. _Black Númenóreans_ of Mordor would officially be classified as _Mordorrim_, though this term was sometimes reserved for cultists and sorcerers that served during the Siege of Mordor in the Second Age. Mordorrim cultists can be found in [Mordor Besieged]( during an extended flashback. Note: I feel making a a black numenorean divering culture called Mordorrim, which would replace all Angmarim cultures that lotro uses **Factions:** Orc tribes of Dol Guldur [The Taughâsh tribe]( is an lotro orc tribe in western South Mirkwood. [The Dushmau tribe]( is composed of deserters and castoffs, sent to the worst duties of guarding and patrolling the the fouled area of [Taur Morvith]( [The Frûmhon tribe]( are pale grayish Orcs. They live in [Burgûl-stazg](, in the [Dourstocks]( of [Mirkwood]( [The Bûrzthrâng tribe]( is small split off of the main [Guldur Orcs](, Leaving the shelter of the [Fennas Guldur]( to contest the [Gathbúrz]( area from the free peoples. [The Hîshtgropor tribe]( is renowned among the Guldur Orcs for their hatred of nature and their unspeakable cruelty to it **Locations:** _Sâd Doldúr_ – place infested by spirits and “Angmarim” Sorcerers. **Characters** [Gorothúl]( is the sorcerer who leads the forces of [Dol Guldur](, instructed by [Sauron]( himself. He also ordered [Mazog]( and his forces within [Moria]( There are several quests in which Gorothúl directly takes part. He is briefly seen in the instance [63] [Instance: The Exchange]( and needs to be defeated in the [Sammath Gûl]( instance. He later turns up during [the Dome of Stars]( instance when fighting [the Black Blade of Lebennin]( Note: Good candidate for a sorcerer/acolyte in lotro he is an angmarim cultured character, but I think making him a black numenorean from mordor fits better. The two Twins of Fire [Morgaraf]( and Shadow [Cargaraf]( are the second bosses encountered within the [Barad Guldur]( instance in [Mirkwood]( Morgaraf (male) ([Sindarin]( for Black-wolf) is one of the [Twins of Fire and Shadow]( (Fire) & Cargaraf (female) [Sindarin]( for Red-wolf) is the other [Twins of Fire and Shadow]( (Shadow) Note: Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Firingúl]( ([Sindarin]( for Mortal-sorcery) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Breaching the Necromancer's Gate]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: he is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Agardúr]( can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Breaching the Necromancer's Gate]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: he is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Faelathron]( ([Sindarin]( for Spirit-listener) can be found during an encounter of the [skirmish]( [Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: he is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Thangaran]( ([Sindarin]( for Oppression-king) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [The Battle in the Tower]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: he is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Annoniel]( ([Sindarin]( for Gate-woman) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Breaching the Necromancer's Gate]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: She is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Gúlheryn]( ([Sindarin]( for Sorcery-lady) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: She is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Iaerien]( can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [The Battle in the Tower]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: She is a angmarim sorcerer, which we can change culture of, Good candidates for a sorcerer/acolytes [Hogaward]( can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [The Battle in the Tower]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: he’s a Brigand, could be a evil northman [Gortag]( ([Black Speech]( for Madman) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Breaching the Necromancer's Gate]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: Good candidate for a orc with learning [Murúk]( ([Black Speech]( for Bear) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Breaching the Necromancer's Gate]( in [Mirkwood]( Note: Warg rider, candidate for orc champion. [Mazaukgrat]( ([Black Speech]( for War-chief) can be found during an encounter of the [skirmish]( [Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: Good orc champion candidate [Afglu]( Note: orc champion [Zánurz]( ([Black Speech]( for Loud-mouthed) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: Good orc champion candidate [Mornákh]( ([Black Speech]( for Black-hand) can be found during an encounter in the [skirmish]( [Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair]( in [Dol Guldur]( Note: Good orc champion candidate, looks to be a barbaric cult fanatic possible good MaA Guldur- [Lorematser]( [Sorcerers]( [Summoner]( Note: Angmarim Sorcerer/Guards, can be reworked to fit our setting, cool named unit. [Guldur Defiler]( are different variations of these, I think such a unit fits for a fantasy of defiling the forest and “the living” and so on.

The Mountains of Mirkwood and the Orcs dwelling there

Click to expand _The one ring-heart of the wild-Mountains of Mirkwood-Wildlife_ In the lowlands, especially towards the east and south, Spiders prey on squirrel and Orc alike. The Orcs — what few there are left in Mirkwood, after the Battle of Five Armies — stick to the Old Forest Road and the foothills of the mountains. Spiders lurk on the road, but also string their webs between the gnarled trees. Gore-crows nest in the treetops, croaking their hateful songs. _The one ring-heart of the wild-Mountains of Mirkwood-Inhabitants_ No Free Peoples live in the Mountains of Mirkwood, or in the surrounding woods. Elven hunters and scouts might cross the Elf-path and explore the wooded hills, fishermen might wander into the eastern eaves, but no living soul willingly dwells in this haunted land. Orcs once dwelt in great numbers beneath the Mountains, but most of them perished in the Battle of Five Armies. Slaves taken by these Orcs in the past were imprisoned in the caves under the mountains, but with the crowning of a King in Dale, the Goblins dare not cross the marshes. **Maybe Warewolf stuff** That could surround a or several Werewolves in mirkwood for the mountains of mirkwood orcs. **MERP** Thus Tolkien’s original werewolves are regular (albeit very large) natural wolves in whose bodies “dreadful spirits” were imprisoned. [Sauron]( originally produced Werewolves (S. Gaur) by magically altering his minions' forms so that they became huge, enchanted [Wolves]( He created also others by placing [undead]( spirits in the bodies of great [Wargs]( The greater Werewolves were [Maia]( of great power while the lesser Werewolves - or [true Wargs]( - were but mighty undead beasts. _The one ring-heart of the wild-Mountains of Mirkwood-Notable Places_ **The Undermountains** There are tunnels under the forest, spreading from the Mountains of Mirkwood but extending far beyond their reaches. The deepest roots of the trees are not deep enough to find them all. Orcs and bats cluster in these Undermountains, and worse things crawl deeper still. There are few Orcs in Mirkwood. Even during the years when the Necromancer reigned in Dol Guldur and drew all the evils of the forest under his banner, there were not many Orcs in his service. The great Orc-holds of Wilderland are in the Misty Mountains and in the Grey Mountains, south and east of the city under Mount Gundabad. The Orcs of Mirkwood are mostly found hiding in the upper caverns of the Undermountains, which are reached by steep-sided holes and ravines gaping wide in the forest. These are small, mean Goblins, long of limb and sharp of tooth, miserable beasts preyed on by Spiders and Elves alike (see also the Monsters of the Wild chapter, page 111). Other, far older things live in the deeper caves of the Undermountains, things that were never named by the Elves. These caves were sealed by the Elves in the First Age, lest the crawling squirming horrors should emerge from the darkness and bring woe to the world. So far, these abominations have remained contained in the caves, and not even the Necromancer dared to crack the seals. The things are older than he is; they were born from the malice of Morgoth before the world was made. _The one ring-heart of the wild-Mountains of Mirkwood-Notable Places_ **The Beacon Tower** The Dwarves raised this castle when they built the Forest Road. It is located on a rocky promontory on the northern slopes of the Haunted Hills. The forest has reclaimed the castle walls and outbuildings, but the main keep and its tall tower stand proud of the surrounding trees. Mines and tunnels beneath the keep delve into the hillsides. The Dwarves found tin and iron in the Haunted Hills. The tower endured many sieges by the forces of Dol Guldur, but no foe took it in battle. The Beacon Tower fell from within, when the Dwarves turned on each other. Today, the tower stands empty, although Orcs garrisoned it as a northern outpost of the Necromancer’s realm in years past. **Merp-Mirkwood- 1 8. 1 SARN GORIWING** The great black spire called Sarn Goriwing (S. "Abhorrent Spray's Stone") rises out of the center of a waterfall called the Goriwing, near the headwaters of the Enchanted River (S. Gulduin)' It is tucked into a ring of soaring rock cliffs at the northern edge of the Mountains of Mirkwood. The home of Lachglin the Animist, one of the Necromancer' s most powerful servants, this solitary, n inety foot tower is formed of glassy igneous rock. It is reached only by air or across the violent waters just above the Goriwing. The main gate faces south ward, and is set into a notch in the sloping "back" of the rock, only five feet above the water level. Lachglin is closely protected by one of the demonic Dindae (S. "Silent Shadows") and maintains a guard of thirty Uruk-hai (six 5th, twelve 3rd, and twelve 2nd levels) in the rocky crags surrounding his hold. These Orcs also maintain a vigil over the numerous trails which connect Sarn Goriwing to the dark hollows to the south and west. In addition to these minions, Lachglin has encircled the area (a 2 mile radius) with hundreds of Yavin Girith (S. "Shuddering Fruits"), beautiful vines which hang like fine curtains from the noble trees of the forest. Their tasty golden fruits are insidiously alluring; their bluish leaves produce a fine, almost imperceptible mist which acts to send nearby fools into a deep sleep. Unwary travelers feasting on these cruel plants invariably awake in the hands of the Uruk-hai. **MERP-Denizens of the Dark Wood-5.31 ILMARYEN'S SURROUNDINGS** Ilmaryen is an ancient keep, built in SA 2937 by a disgruntled Numenorean noble originally living along the coast of the Bay of Belfalas The builder grew disgusted with the politics of Numenor and decided to remove himself and his family to an area far from central government. He moved up the Anduin and into Greenwood the Great, where he found the isolation, he sought He, his family, and later, his descendants, occupied the keep until the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age The lord at that time, more noble than some of his predecessors, sealed the keep and moved to south to join the alliance He and his sons were killed in the war and his wife and daughter would not return to the remote keep. Ilmaryen Keep remained empty until the expansion of Dol Guldur's influence brought Ores to the area Goblins probably did not penetrate the keep until about TA 1400 They began to use it as a staging area for shipments to Dol Guldur only about 100 years ago The keep's use and location have been a closely-guarded secret until Grimbold learned of its existence Ilmaryen Keep is located eight miles north of the Men-i-Naugrim, in a series of hills at the western end of the southernmost chain of the Emyn-nu-Fum The hills are relatively free of the dense vegetation characteristic of Mirkwood Instead, they are covered with grasses, brush, scattered trees or small groves, and occasional patches of dense woods The nearest patch of heavy woods is 350' to the northeast of the keep, the second nearest is 800' to the west There are no other wooded areas within 1500' of the keep. _The one ring-heart of the wild-Monsters of the Wild_ **Forest Goblins** The Orcs of Mirkwood are wiry, pale creatures, mostly inhabiting the caves under the Mountains of Mirkwood and haunting the ruins of Dol Guldur. Their long limbs and bony hands are surprisingly powerful, a characteristic that many enemies discovered too late. When they leave their underground lairs they smear filth and mud over themselves, to better hide in the gloom of the forest. They are excellent climbers and trackers, and often clamber through the canopy instead of travelling along the ground. They have a special terror of Spiders, as Forest Goblins are one of the most common snacks for a hungry spider. _MERP-Denizens of the Dark Wood-5.2 The NPCS_ **The Orcs of Illmarin Keep** The Orcs garrisoning Ilmaryen Keep belong to a relatively small tribe, the Blogrum-hai (Or "People of the Bloody Skull") Their emblem is a tusked skull bleeding from the mouth The tribe is spread throughout the southeast Emyn-nu-Fuin and into the Forest south of the Men-i-Naugrim. The Blogrum-hai are nomadic, travelling from camp to camp most of the time. They tend to move in groups of five to twenty-five members Their only two permanent settlements are Ilmaryen Keep and their main stronghold, Fhahoz-Blogrum (Or. "Great Hole of the Bloody Skull"), it lies northeast of Ilmaryen Keep, deeper in the Emyn-nu-Fuin The basic fighting unit of the Blogrum-hai is the Korlagz (Or. "Jaw", pi. Korlagzrim). A Korlagz consists of five individuals, four Kragashi (Or "Teeth", sing Kragash) led by a Korlagz-drartul (Or. "Sergeant of the Jaw"). Two or more Korlagzrim will be led by a Korlagzrim-gottul (Or "Lieutenant of the Jaws") The commander of a particular region or camp is called a Goth-korlagznm (Or. "Master of the Jaws") The armor and weaponry of the Blogrum-hai is related to their motif. Their primary weapon is a sword about the same size and weight as a broadsword. It is slightly curved, to resemble a fang. This sword is called a Kragashard (pi. Kragashardis). In addition to their Kragashardis, two Kragashi in each Korlagz also carry bows. The Korlagz-drartul and the other officers carry a slightly-curved throwing knife called a Kragnif (Or. "Fang-knife", pi. Kragnifrim). The knives, like the swords, resemble fangs. They are usually carried in sets of four and are used by the officers before they close for hand-to-hand combat. The most common form of armor found among the Blogrum-hai is rigid leather. Chain armor follows a close second. Plate is rare, and only a few Scouts prefer soft leather to rigid. The helm worn with a suit of armor is skull shaped and painted red in the mouth region. Shields are mostly wooden with iron bindings and are painted with the bloody-skull emblem of the tribe. The thirty Ores at Ilmaryen Keep are typical of the Blogrum-hai. All are armed with Kragashardis; two Kragashi in each Korlagz carry bows. The lesser Ores carry short bows, the Uruks longbows. They wear rigid leather armor (RL/10) and carry shields. **THE KORLAGZ-DRARTUL** The Orcs are divided into six Korlagzrim: two are Uruk, the other four are lesser Orcs. The lesser Orc Korlagzrim include two first and two second level Kragashi; the Uruk Korlagzrim have two second and two third level Kragashi. All six Korlagz-drartul are proficient with the Kragnifrim. The two Uruk Korlagz-drartul, Ukrish and Gormuk, are essentially interchangeable. Both are fourth level; neither has any particular distinguishing characteristics. The four lesser Orc Korlagz-drartul are all third level. Only one of the four is not remarkable: Bokdankh, the newest of the lot. Sokralg is disgusting even by Orc standards. Fektalgh is neat for an Orc, keeping even his clothes semi-clean. Hagrakh has a penchant for knife throwing: he practices with his Kragnifrim constantly and receives +10 OB when using them. All six wear chain shirts with arm and leg greaves (Ch/14) and carry shields. **MARLURG** The Korlagzrim-gottul at Ilmaryen is Marlurg (fifth level). He is old for an Ore, but still quite strong. He is a little dull mentally, even for an Ore; his rise in power has been slow. He does have sufficient cunning to hold any position he attains. Marlurg, while not a coward, firmly believes that discretion is the better part of valor; he will not hesitate to flee if all seems hopeless. In melee, Marlurg fights with an especially well-made Kragashard and uses a shield. He carries eight Kragnifrim instead of the usual four and will always try to use those first, then close for battle (or, if appropriate, flee). Marlurg's armor is a chain shirt and greaves **YAGRASH** Yagrash, the seventh-level Gothkorlagzrim at Ilmaryen, is almost the opposite of Marlurg. An Uruk of exceptional ambition, he is young to be holding his current position, and he lacks neither the strength nor the intelligence to continue holding it. Though he seeks to rise still higher in the tribe hierarchy, he is proud of being Gothkorlagzim and will almost certainly fight to the death to maintain that title (88% chance he will not flee the keep). In combat, Yagrash prefers to use the excellent war hammer he took from a fallen foe. He also uses a Kragashard and a long bow. He frequently (01-65) uses both the war hammer and the Kragashard together and leaves his shield slung on his back. His armor is a full chain hauberk (Ch/16).


Click to expand _The one ring-heart of the wild_ **Wood-Wights** During the long centuries of the rule of the Necromancer, many evil spirits issued from Dol Guldur. Some found their way into the burial places of the Northmen, others inhabited the corpses of lost travellers and victims of the Spiders. Those who have seen Wood-wights and lived to tell the tale speak fearfully of shambling horrors composed of bones, leaf mould and fallen tree branches, and skulls that leered out of the darkness. _Merp-Mirkwood-9.5 OTHER EVIL CREATURES_ **Wights** Wights are undead spirits who inhabit ancient tombs. They are drawn by treasure, greed, and violence, and they have power only in darkness. Wights appear as dark, shadowy human forms with eyes akin to faint lights. They inhabit the same world as the dreaded Ringwraiths and are difficult to perceive as anything other than dark shapes. If seen with the power of the One Ring or with other special magics, wights seem to take on the tattered forms of great lords of Men with cold, cruel eyes. Those encountering a wight must resist versus the terror of the wight's presence. If they fail, they are literally paralyzed with fear and unable to move. Only great power, luck, self discipline, or presence of mind can save such a victim. Flight is often the best recourse, particularly since the touch of a wight is much like that of a Nazgul: cold, lifeless, and deadly. It yields a deep sleep that can only be magically broken; otherwise the victim will never awaken. When stricken, the unfortunate victim dreams of the final hours and most terrible moments of the original inhabitant of the tomb. Wights normally carry their victims into tombs or barrows, deck them with jewels, and then perform a ritual sacrifice. Wights are extremely difficult to maim or kill. A wight cannot bleed to death, and cutting off a limb only hinders it. They can only be "killed" by impaling them through the heart, cutting off their head, or giving them over the maximum number of hits. To destroy a wight, the spell laid upon the tomb must be broken and the wight dispelled. If the spell remains unbroken, the tomb will shortly be reoccupied by another wight. To break the spell of a wight, the treasure within the tomb must be left free for all finders, although the slayer is permitted to take a few items from the hoard. Treasures in haunted tombs are cursed, and to take them for oneself invites a terrible doom; the thief will gradually be transformed into a minor wight. To take all of the treasure for a purely good purpose would also break the spell.

Some Pictures of Dol Guldur orcs

Click to expand ![image]( Dol Guldur orc from Rise of Mordor/The Dawnless days, pretty thematic ![image]( Weta Dol Guldur concept ![image]( Age of the Ring concept of the Dol Guldur orcs- Tomb Guards, they give them a very necrotic thematically look, which i am a fan off. ![image]( Age of the Ring concept of the Dol Guldur orcs- Orc Gaolers, they give them a very necrotic thematically look, which i am a fan off. ![image]( Age of the Ring concept of the Dol Guldur orcs- Orc Gaolers2, they give them a very necrotic thematically look, which i am a fan off.

Coat of Arms

Click to expand ![image]( LOTRO banner of Dol Guldur, i very much like this design! ![image]( LOTRO Concept art of Dol Guldur-Siege of Mirkwood, these banners look doupe! there are some symbol on them ![image]( eu4-lotr mod-shadow of mirkwood spider flag, could be a cool CoA ![image]( ck2-lotr mod-Shadows of Mirkwood flag, while i don't partically think this is a great flag, i do like a orcihs tribal painting of a hollow tree or something, i think that would fit very well! ![image]( BFME2-Age of the Ring-Tomb_Guard_Upgraded-Banner- i really like this motive, i think it would either make a great nation flag or something similar. ![image]( the Blogrum-hai flag- I hope we can get this flag for the Mountains of Mirkwood orcs!


So these are the summerized general thoughts I have devised from the lore bits above

Click to expand ### Cultures I think creating a Black Numenorean divergent split called Mordorrim is within reasons, to represent those Black numenoreans specifically loyal and culurtally part of mordor. I think having a special culture the Guldur orcs, Kazgûmhuth is within reasons inspired by MERP, but taking into account of AotR and the One Ring rpg mirkwood orcs to. These Orcs would obvisouly have more stuff tied to forests and so on then other orcs. I think there is a lot you can take into these to make them special. If keeping the orcs of Dol Guldur in line of mordor, then creating a more ”forest goblin” culture for the mirkwood mountains orcs (which i envisions as the Blogrum-hai , Or. "People of the Bloody Skull") would be fitting to help them survive this hostile envirement. Other then that i have researched several tribes that can be used for orcs in mirkwood. ### Faith Obviously I think Dol Guldur can stay as the lidless eye, but I think the Blogrum-hai or mirkwood mountains orc maybe could get a special religion, I’m thinking of basing it on Werewolves, as in Werewolves as dark spirits inhabiting “dead?” wolves and exist more wild or in a corrupt way, these orcs would worship these unmaiar, and the one ring is even talking about a special one, so maybe they can have that as a “head” deity. Just an idea. This feel in line with the Wolfbones religion I talked about in my gundabad faith religion suggestion ( ### Places **Minas Raug the Demon’s Tower**. When the necromancer left for mordor, Zimraphel, the sorcerers of Mirkwood fled the wrath of the Wizards and took refuge in the Demon’s Tower, , in the far south-east of Mirkwood. Fenbridge - Foul marshes surround Dol Guldur on three sides. The easiest way to cross these swamps is via the Fenbridge. I think we could either rename Gorogrod(who is a lotro underground dungeon) or Gathburz(who also is a lotro edition, but more of a forest) **Tyrant’s Hill (Amon Bauglir)**- A fortress stands upon a wooded rise on the edge of the wood, some fifty miles north of Dol Guldur. I think a barony rename of either Lughash(in county of Gorgorod), Lomorad(in county of Sarn Lothduin) or Thibin Fû (in the county of Sairtheod) But I also think that Tyrant’s Hill (Amon Bauglir) is the weakest of my suggestions, it stands mainly on that it adds an evil Woodmen historical place. **Dol Guldur** - We’ll need a good special work/wonder for Dol Guldur, should not be hard to do. **Sarn Goriwing** - The great black spire called Sarn Goriwing. An old hold once belonging to Lachglin the Animist, a sorcerer under Sauron. I think “adding” a mountainous barony and placing a special works/wonder to it, at the county of Taurannon in Mountains of Mirkwood. The hold should be places near the Enchanted River (S. Gulduin) as it is described to be placed at the centre of waterfall called the Goriwing that leads into it. I believe this would greatly enhance the theme of the orcs there! ![image]( My suggestion for where to place a barony and special wonder for **Sarn Goriwing** **Ilmaryen Keep** – I think adding this somewhere as a “minor” special works/wonder would be cool. **The Beacon Tower** – Yes Dwarves! People will 100% do elves vs Dwarves games, and placing a dwarven special works in mirkwood could be a fun bit to add, The beacon Tower is a Dwarven raised this castle when they built the Forest Road. It is located on a rocky promontory on the northern slopes of the Haunted Hills. ### Characters There is a lot of characters in this issue! I hope to apply some of the orcish and “black numenorean” flavoured one into the mod, even if they are more generic. But some are more special then others, Some of the ones I hope to take in are Zimraphel, the sorcerers of Mirkwood as a independent ruler, to give people an option to play an female evil sorcerers and Maghaz, Orc-Captain a grumpy old craven orc that have survived because of intrigue. ### MAA There is plenty of special MAA suggestions here, and still some in the lore sources I’ve gone through, so there should be no problem of putting some special themed ones for Dol Guldur. ### Guldur sorcery I think we need to incorporate a cultis/acolytes/sorceress theme to Dol Guldur, I’m not wuite sure how to do that, one way would be to make a special religion, but I feel that Dol Guldur should be part of the lidless eye. Maybe we can somehow make a religious order to represent it or go crazy and make a new government form that represent sorcerers :P either way the lore inspirations can come from the MERP Conclave & Goldur Sorcers. Either way, this theme is something I feel fits very well, but have the least ideas for, so would happy to discuss this further! ### Wights I think it’s time to make an expansion on the undead culture, obviously one of the greatest limitation of this are based on 3d models. I think we can circumvent this in worst case by giving them nazgul cloaks, that we colour in dark grey, red & blue to make them distinct enough, A lot of player wants a way to become immortal and especially with elves being added I think this could be a good compromise, to fade your body with sorcery and become one with the shadow realm like the Nazguls, gaining the ability to take over dead bodies. Obviously this is the most controversial topic for Dol Guldur and the hardest to implement, I honestly think more thoughts need to be given to this and discussed upon.


I think there is a lot that can be done to add themes for the Mirkwood orcs and area of Dol Guldur and adding some of my suggestions would help with that.

Remerod commented 1 year ago

Possible OPM or Minor Invasion Ungoldain

So people (myself included) have been wanting to get some sort of Ungoldain from lotro into the mod somewhere around mirkwood (my opinion is that it should be in the northern parts), it seems hard to get them into the current version but we could maybe add them in a earlier bookmark or as a small invasion force somewhere.

Culture & Faith

Culture flavour Lore:

The Ungoldain (WRh."Spinnantheud", Mb."Kevnisdenion", Un."Lóbguru") were a tribe of wild men formerly native to the lands around the Grey mountains. Having been driven out of their old homes by the Grey Mountain Orcs, few wild men tribes of the Grey mountains seem to have had survived the ravaging small hordes of the Grey Mountain Orcs. The "name" tribe was known for having adapted a strange fixation of spiders and even known to adorn themselves with their carcasses. The Ungoldain/Spinnantheud/Kevnisdenion/Lóbguru were generally shunned by other men and even Orcs and Trolls and largely stayed among themselves, shrouded in mystery.

Mix of NonotionClubArchives & LOTRO wiki lore.

Faith: Cult of Mam Murgwid

The followers of this cult has adapted a strange form of animal totemism and worshiped the Great Spiders and even adorned themselves with their carcasses. It's forgotten how the cult came into being but the strange spider worshipers seems to allow the cultists of Mam Murgwid to generally seemed to either be ignored or even tolerated by the the giant spiders as if viewed of being one of their own. The main Matriarch of worship in this entangled web of great spiders was Her Ladyship "Mam Murgwid".

Mix of NonotionClubArchives & LOTRO wiki lore.

this is WIP and subject of rejection

JukeJukestar commented 1 year ago

Mirkwood orcs are currently feudal, but have tribal holdings

jj248 commented 11 months ago

Area done - closing.