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Global event notifications #443

Open JukeJukestar opened 2 years ago

JukeJukestar commented 2 years ago

👻OoOooOoo! 👻

This is Jamie-san possessing Juke and hijacking his first post to make a checklist of the events that I want to make news notifications for:

Still need to consider Gondor & Isengard

Major Events

Minor Events

Remerod commented 2 years ago

I get what you mean and i am not personally very much against it, still i gonna be a bit of a devils advocate and ask, does India get notifications for when the Vikings invade(maybe they do i assumed not)? I don't see why the "Shire" should get a notification of this. And since we will do similar stuff in the future i think it could get clustered easily. I mean most nations around the tedjin get a event telling them about the civil war so you should discover it that way if you play in the area

JukeJukestar commented 1 year ago

Works fine as far as I can tell. can we close this? @jj248 or are you still working on it?

JukeJukestar commented 1 year ago

Other Global Event Notifications we could add (If they havent been added yet)

These are frankly a ton of options, but it would be cool if we had one for every one of the large events on Middle-Earth (Although a lot of these are quite unlikely for AI)

RedArkady commented 1 year ago

Putting a word in for formation of the Aladegana, as that would have significant regional consequences.

RedArkady commented 1 year ago

Localised everything Jamie has done so far. 'Greater Dunland' global event currently has the 'vassalised by Saruman' decision linked to it instead of the more newsworthy 'uber-Dunland' one, so that needs tweaking.

JukeJukestar commented 1 year ago

Yep, I dont think Dunland under saruman needs a news event - only Utrí Dunhainn