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Suggestion: Unique cultural tradition for the Northern Adûnaic cultures. #459

Closed Kyrenic closed 1 year ago

Kyrenic commented 1 year ago

I believe giving the Northern Adûnaic cultures their own unique cultural tradition would allow us to remove the second age innovation Dark Heirs and give more options for easy expansion later on should that be desired.

This new cultural tradition would have the following characteristics:

It would also be exclusive with the quarrelsome cultural tradition.

Adding more MAA to Northern Adûnaic cultures

Since little is known about Black Númenórean military tactics and structure, at least on the various wiki's that I visited, expanded lore videogames could give us a good source to draw inspiration from.

As stated in this article about the Black Númenóreans, an expansion to a video game from 2006 called The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II adds various Black Númenórean units:

While I don't think sorcerers would fit in the mod, Thrallmasters as dedicated raiding units and Dark Rangers (or black rangers?) as sort of the Ithilien ranger counterpart could certainly be interesting to add to the game.

Additionally, The Third Age: Total War mod depicts elite Black Númenórean bodyguards and soldier units, either mounted or dismounted, so a heavy cavalry unit could also be considered.

Remerod commented 1 year ago

Feels a bit related to this Issue Might work a bit on this myself if no one else beats me around the end on 3.o development but have other stuff to prioritize for now

Remerod commented 1 year ago


So continuing on this thread on the aspect of MAA and inspired by that the Black Numenoreans are a player favorite and some suggestions (and maybe this issue) have been talking about that they need more MAA. But this culture can be used in a way different ways so it’s important I feel to split it up a bit on where you can use these MAA

Our current have MAA

so while we have 3 unique MAA for Southern Adûniac Heritage we basically only have one for Northern Adûniac Heritage, the Black Numenorean vanguard (and well corsairs). We do have the Coastal Warriors tenet that gives Freeman Spears, Shieldwall Arbalests and Dark Volunteers but neither Black Numenoreans nor Umbarians start with that tenet.

Proposal of New MAA and background/research

So Here is some lore research of potential new MAA taken from other games and Mods

Evil Faith

So while this culture with this faith is probably not often played as there is like 1 character it shows for currently, I still thinks it’s a good idea to have units for, as people still like the idea of being a Mordorian Black Numenorean. The Theme should reflect Black Numenoreans siding with Sauron, the Witch King and similar. Theme: many secondary lore and fan fiction often depicts there being some numenoreans left in and serving Mordor, such MAA should most likely be “generic” bad guys stereotypes. Another note is that we should exempt the Mulkhêrhili faith from these, as they I think would be different.

But here are some of my thoughts and research on what good Sauron-Evil faith units could be;

image Captain of the Black Hand - Weta Design of a Black Numenorean Warrior

image Black Númenórean Sorcerer (Mordor Besieged) - LOTRO

image Angmarim High Priest (Carn Dûm) - LOTRO

image Devoted Sorceress - LOTRO

image Sorcerers from BFME2:RotWK



image Servants of the Eye - The Dawnless Days

image Guards of the Teeth - The Dawnless Days

image Temple Knights - DaC

image Temple Wards - DaC

While we don’t have to make a lot I feel it would be good to give the evil Sauron-specific faiths a flavoured MAA type for the Black Numenoreans that differs from the King’s men & Mulkhêrhili faith.

Darkness Faith

Should reflect Black Numenoreans in Haradwaith trying (and failing) to keep the heritage of Numenor/King’s men. And I think there are some good units from 2 other mods we could use for our MAA purposes.

So for these I think that taking inspiration for DaC’s unit roaster is a good idea, check bellow for detail.

Click to expand **Naru n’Aru Household Guard** ![image]( Short: The elite guard of the Lords of the Ar-Adûnâim. Long: The first sons of every common born family of the King's Men are put through a gruelling set of trials on reaching manhood. Those who excel and survive the ordeal are selected to receive additional training at a demanding barracks that is modeled in the the style of the Bastions of the South. Those who show a certain level of grit and determination are put forward as recruits for the household guards of the various Lords of the Ar-Adûnâim, tasked with protecting the palaces and holdings of their Lords. Naru n'Aru is Adûnaic for King's Men for these men are the heirs of ancient Númenor and some among their ranks are able to trace their linage back to the original Númenórean Lords that founded the various Númenórean colonies to the south of Middle-Earth. They claim allegiance to the ideals of Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, last king of Númenor and do not acknowledge the legitimacy of the line of Elendil. They hope to conquer Gondor and name one of the line of Berúthiel as a new king. The Naru n'Aru are formidable combatants, trained to fight in disciplined ranks and equipped with the finest arms and armour from the armouries of the Ar-Adûnâim. They are rarely deployed in battle except when the Lords of the Ar-Adûnâim themselves are marching to war **Naru n’Aru Royal Guards** ![image]( Short: Heavily armoured elite infantry of the Ar-Adûnâim, armed with a heavy spear shield. Long: These men, trained along with the Household Guard, are the very best that the King's Men have to offer. Naru n'Aru is Adûnaic for King's Men for these men are the heirs of ancient Númenor and some among their ranks are able to trace their linage back to the original Númenórean Lords from the Elenna. They claim allegiance to the ideals of Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, last king of Númenor and do not acknowledge the legitimacy of the line of Elendil and the claims of the Faithful. They hope to conquer Gondor and name one of the line of Berúthiel as King. The Naru n'Aru are formidable combatants, trained to fight in disciplined ranks and equipped with the finest gear from the armouries of the far south. They are rarely deployed in battle except when the Lords of the Ar-Adûnâim themselves are marching to war. **Naru n’Aru Royal Knights** ![image]( Short: Heavily armoured elite soldiers of the Ar-Adûnâim, riding armoured warhorses; equipped with a heavy lance, sword and shield. Long: No Ar-Adûnâim soldier of quality would choose the hooves of their steeds over their own feet, but these warriors have taken up lance and saddle to aid their kin. Utilising fierce spears and stout blades of fine quality, the Naru n’Aru Royal Knights are swordsmen of Númenórean blood and will fight near on to the last man to take back what once was theirs. On the battlefield, they form the Ar-Adûnâim's ruthless counterblow to the knights of the Faithful, catching those shining knights unawares with their tenacity and cunning, and then turning to wreak havoc upon the lines of the foe. What these dark warriors represent is the coiled viper of the armoured Naru n’Aru line. Though they will flee if exposed to the gravest melee, these cruel champions will happily wade into the exposed heart of your hated enemies. \n\nREQUIRES VARIOUS. **Ar-Pharazôn’s faithful** ![image]( Short: Heavily armoured pikemen of the Ar-Adûnâim. Long: In the long and bloody history of the King's Men a single event stands out as its most glorious: the subjugation of Sauron by Ar-Pharazôn. Awed by the power of the Númenórean army, the Orcs broke and fled and Sauron saw it was futile to fight these mighty warriors so he willing surrendered to the Golden King. Time would prove this the greatest mistake of Númenórean history but Ar-Pharazôn's name is no less diminished by what followed. Owing to his prowess and command, the pinnacle of fighting forces under the King's Men take his name in high honour. Ar-Pharazôn's Faithful stand as the best that the King's Men have to offer on the fields of Middle-earth and they are armed with pikes to help against the Faithul. Their armour is reminiscent of a bygone time when Númenóreans ruled the world and the blood of Elenna still runs true in their veins: giving them increased strength, will and determination. It is a strong willed foe who charges these dark warriors and hopes to live. **Adunâim Armsman** ![image]( Short: Excellent warriors of the Ar-Adûnâim wielding scimitars, heavy armour and shields. Long: The threat of the Ar-Adûnâim can lend its thanks to Ar-Gimilkhad. It was his claim to the lost throne of Númenor and empty throne of Gondor that led to the lords of the King's Men uniting behind him to amass a legion to conquer Middle-earth and the kingdoms of the Faithful. Some men fight for this cause so strongly that they are named Adûnâim Armsmen. Believing in their cause so strongly, these men wear only medium armour and trust in their skill to protect them; however in honour of Númenor, they fashion their helmets after the islands ancient warriors. In battle these men wield the scimitars of marines and a simple wooden shield. Their strength and skill comes not from their arms but from their perceived superiority, their zealous bloodlust against the Faithful and their dedication to the line of Berúthiel. **Abrazanim Helberdiers** ![image]( Short: Strong and capable halberdiers with unwavering morale. Long: Although the King's Men are famed for their quick, hard-hitting marine forces, there are many other battalions of men eager to serve the line of Berúthiel and put an end to the filth of the north and the warriors of the Abrazanim Narduburôda are among the first in that line. The name translates as 'Faithful Heavy-soldiers' for the halberds they wield in battle. Preferring to crawl to victory though sturdy defensive tactics, they wear heavy armour and have divided into three battalions; the Narduburôda, the Nardutârik, and the Nardubawîb. The Narduburôda are the defensive melee counterpart and they do not dissapoint, armed with halberds that they line up in sturdy wall formations they can hold the advance of almost every foe. Indeed legend tells of a group of stranded Narduburôda holding out against a vastly superior enemy force for almost three days before being rescued by their lord's fleet. When the Ar-Adûnâim ever reach Middle-Earth, the Narduburôda will hold the enemy's advance at every point. **Abrazanim Legion** ![image]( Short: Strong and capable defenders with unwavering morale. Long: Although the King's Men are famed for their quick, hard-hitting marine forces, there are many other battalions of men eager to serve the line of Berúthiel and put an end to the filth of the north and the warriors of the Abrazanim Nardutârik are among the first in that line. The name translates as 'Faithful Tower-soldiers' for the large tower shields they wield in battle. Preferring to crawl to victory though sturdy defensive tactics, they wear heavy armour and have divided into two battalions; the Nardutârik and the Nardubawîb. The Nardutârik are the melee counterpart and they do not dissapoint, armed with enormous shields that they line up in sturdy wall formations they can hold the advance of almost every foe. Indeed legend tells of a group of stranded Nardutârik holding out against a vastly superior enemy force for almost three days before being rescued by their lord's fleet. When the Ar-Adûnâim ever reach Middle-Earth, the Nardutârik will hold the enemy's advance at every point. They will never falter. **Abrazanim Phalanx** ![image]( Short: Heavy infantry who weild pikes and small shield. Long: The King's Men have a long tradition of maritime warfare and have rarely fielded units specifically to fight on land and when that need arises, they usually take the men from the ranks of sailors and marines. With Gimilkhad's reformation of the miltary however into a single legion, there was a need for a more professional force, and so the Abrazanim Narduzagar, or 'Faithful Sword-soldiers' were created. These men are the first to board enemy ships when they get close enough and they are the head of any landing party. Malicious, brave and cruel to the last they wield their deadly two-handed swords with precision and can perform in almost any role: shock troopers, defensive lines and support infantry. The sailor tradition of the King's Men means these men wear only medium armour and bare no shield but in prolonged melee, few can stand long enough against them to find their weak spots. **Abrazanim Telemnarîka** ![image]( Short: Strong and capable with unwavering morale. Long: The Ar-Adunâim are known far and wide for their Númenórean origins and powerful infantry. Amongst their powerful infantry are the regiments of the Abrazanim. The backbone of the Ar-Adunâim's elite hosts. Within the Abrazanim lie the secretive and dangerous Telemnarnarîka, masters of fire and axe. They hold the power to flame and fury as their monstrous flamethrowers clear any battlefields they enter with enough heat to match that of a Fire-drake of the North. If engaged into melee, they unsheathe powerful pole-axes which rip through any chest-plates like a hot knife through butter.Anyone that meets the Telemnarnarîka on the field, whether it be friend or foe, must decide whether they wish to meet a slow, fiery fate or run out of the way before they get burnt to a crisp. **Abrazanim Warbows** ![image]( Short: Strong and capable archers from the heart of the realm of the Ar-Adûnâim. Long: Although the King's Men are famed for their quick, hard-hitting marine forces, there are many other battalions of men eager to serve the line of Berúthiel and put an end to the filth of the north and the warriors of the Abrazanim Nardubawîb are among the first in that line. Their name translates as 'Faithful Wind-soldiers' for the sound of their arrows whistles on the wind. Preferring to crawl to victory though sturdy defensive tactics, they wear heavy armour and have divided into two battalions; the Nardutârik and the Nardubawîb. The Nardubawîb are the ranged counterpart and they take their men mostly from seasoned veterans and masters of the bow. Their increased armour does however hinder their movement and they can't reach as far as the Rangers of Berúthiel but they will last far longer in melee with their determined nature. When a situation calls for strength and decisive action, the Nardubawîb take to the battlefield and any foes are crushed. Now they move onto the field of war, eager to put an end to their hated rivals. **Alcrondras Sunderers** ![image]( Short: Excellent crossbowmen who excel at ambushing their prey. Long: When Queen Berúthiel returned to the lands of the deep-south, she went into hiding, fearing the vengance of lords who would wish to harm her and her unborn child for her failure in Gondor. Some lords remained loyal to her however, and created a small elite task force that would guard her and her descendants and thus, protect the royal line. These men are the descendants of that force and are trained in the arts of stealth and ranged combat so they can better ambush foes and their name is a homage to their long dead Queen for they respect her and aim to move as silently as her fabled cats. They accompanied Ar-Gimilkhâd on his conquest of Middle-Earth and now serve as an elite force in the legion of the Ar-Adûnâim. The Watch eschew the bows and steelbows of the faithful in favour of heavy hitting crossbows to ensure every target they hit is dropped instantly. **Azrazâir Archers** ![image]( Short: archers and fierce warriors in close combat. Long: In preparation for his assault on Valinor, Ar-Pharazôn knew that he would need the finest ships that Arda had ever seen. He tasked his shipwrights with constructing these new behemoths and after years of toil they did not dissapoint him. All but one of these vessels were destroyed in the downfall however; the Azrazâir or 'Sea-longing' which made its way to the harbours of the far south. It has remained there ever since. In reverance to this almost holy ship, the sailors and mariners can be heard shouting its name as they charge into battle; their own personal warcry. As such, they have come to be known as the Azrazâir themselves.\n\nIn most shipboard conflicts, the vessel with the greatest complement of archers is often the one that sails away victorious. These soldiers are therefore very experienced with their bows, and yet the nature of their work also encourages ample usage of swords and scimitars in close combat. These mariners are to be feared from a distance and are not to be laughed at when without their bows. **Azrazâir Boarding Pikes** ![image]( Short: Lightly armoured and fast moving shock troops. Long: In preparation for his assault on Valinor, Ar-Pharazôn knew that he would need the finest ships that Arda had ever seen. He tasked his shipwrights with constructing these new behemoths and after years of toil they did not dissapoint him. All but one of these vessels were destroyed in the downfall; the Azrazâir or 'Sea-longing' which made its way to the harbours of the far south. It has remained there ever since. In reverance to this almost holy ship, the sailors and mariners can be heard shouting its name as they charge into battle; their own personal warcry. As such, they have come to be known as the Azrazâir themselves.\n\nThese sailors' cutlasses and machetes lend themselves well to the Azrazâir's wild and ferocious fighting style, while their increased mobility at the cost of armour allows them to direct their aggression to the right place at the right time. However, that same destructive recklessness and bullheadedness that makes them so effective may also be their undoing should they run head on into professional armoured or mounted troops. **Azrazâir Crossbowmen** ![image]( Short: Corsairs from the coasts of the south armed with vicious crossbows. Long: In preparation for his assault on Valinor, Ar-Pharazôn knew that he would need the finest ships that Arda had ever seen. He tasked his shipwrights with constructing these new behemoths and after years of toil they did not dissapoint him. All but one of these vessels were destroyed in the downfall however; the Azrazâir or 'Sea-longing' which made its way to the harbours of the far south. It has remained there ever since. In reverance to this almost holy ship, the sailors and mariners can be heard shouting its name as they charge into battle; their own personal warcry. As such, they have come to be known as the Azrazâir themselves.\n\nThe sailors need leaders and they come in the form of these dedicated warriors and unlike most Azrazâir, these warriors are armed with heavy crossbows well suited to combat both aboard ships and on land. They march from their ships steadily ready to take down any more potent defenders standing in the way of the Azrazâir terrifying raids. **Azrazâir Marines** ![image]( Short: Hand-picked guard of the Black Fleet's flagships, armed with paired scimitars and javelins. Long: As part of the preparation for the conquest of Middle-Earth, Ar-Gimilkhad sanctioned the creation of a proficient and deadly marine force. The Marines fulfill this role, as well as providing the best protection to the admirals and captains of the Ar-Adûnâim's Black Fleet. \n\nUsing Black Númenórean armour forged by skilled smiths, they are equipped with flexible but sturdy chain mail as well as a deadly pair of scimitars, perfect to slice through the enemy's ranks, which their wield with lethal skill. Each warrior also carries a small number of throwing spears which they use to decimate the front ranks of an enemy before battle is joined. **Azrazâir Warriors** ![image]( Short: Medium shock troops from the coasts of the south. Long: In preparation for his assault on Valinor, Ar-Pharazôn knew that he would need the finest ships that Arda had ever seen. He tasked his shipwrights with constructing these new behemoths and after years of toil they did not dissapoint him. All but one of these vessels was destroyed in the downfall however; the Azrazâir or 'Sea-longing' which made its way to the harbours of the far south. It has remained there ever since. In reverance to this almost holy ship, the sailors and mariners can be heard shouting its name as they charge into battle; their own personal warcry. As such, they have come to be known as the Azrazâir themselves.\n\nThese warriors are rightly feared by the folk of the south as they charge into battle with a furious battlecry and many heads roll as their giant axes swing to and fro. It is a courageous defender who stands in the way of the Azrazâir Warriors and does not feel fear. **Rôzadan Archers** ![image]( Short: Ar-Adûnâim soldiers armed with bows. Long: The lords of the Ar-Adûnâim understand the need for companies of expert bowmen trained to support their armies and navies. The Rôzadan Bowmen are a highly skilled cohort of archers whose task it is to provide cover for the forces of the Ar-Adûnâim in battle by showering the enemy lines with a constant storm of barbed bolts. As members of the legion of the Ar-Adûnâim these crossbowmen have sworn a blood oath of allegiance to the bloodline of Berúthiel and their King, and stand ready to slay any force. Their arrows have barbed heads that are difficult to remove from flesh without tearing a dreadful gaping hole. For defence they carry short stabbing swords. **Rôzadan Footman** ![image]( Short: Ar-Adûnâim soldiers armed with spears and shields. Long: Aside from the many hordes of ruthless marines, the King and Lords of the Ar-Adûnâim also field a more disciplined and well trained army of foot soldiers taking their name from the waves of their home; The Rôzadan Footmen. Formed in ranks of sturdy spearmen, they are a strong and formidable opponent but although they cannot hope to stand against the elite enemy forces, they will give lesser men a run for their money. **Rôzadan Helbardiers** ![image]( Short: Ar-Adûnâim soldiers armed with halberds. Long: The Halberdiers of Rôzadan are old hands, shaped and forged upon the parade grounds of the far south, with the ancient ways of Númenor stamping a style of warfare upon them. Though their blood is of the coast, their hardened armour and steel halberds are a menace to any knight or rider that breaks upon their lines, hewing through man and horse with a single great sweep of their weapons. Even as the hooves shake the ground, these dour men will not run nor falter, and any Gondorian or Dol Amrothian charger foolishly trying to win his glory will be shattered by their axeheads. Count upon these men to fight for you, until their fortunes turn dire. Count upon them to kill the great and noble of the Faithful, but watch their flanks. No line can be held if pressed from all sides, and these men will tally their lives at a greater value should you leave them isolated and alone.

I think the DaC units are a really good inspiration for generic Black Numenorean MAA and some specifically for our Ar-Adunaim faction. But since they are from a unit rooster game they can of course be rewritten a bit to further our uses and we don’t need them all of couse as not all might fit into our mod.

Then we also have some good units from the Dawnless Days, check bellow for detail.

Click to expand **Adûnakhôri (Lords of the West)** ![image]( They call themselves Lords of the West, even if their Númenórean heritage is long gone, after centuries spent in Umbar between lesser men. What is not spent, however, is their hatred for The Faithful and the Line of Stewards and Kings who rule and have ruled that petty Kingdom that is Gondor. Their great swords will slash through Dúnedain steel, while their ancestral armours will protect them from the worst of blows... all for one purpose: to bring the true heirs of Númenór back on the Throne. **Umbar Usurpers** ![image]( Info 1: The Usurpers were originally Gondorians, faithful to Castamir, who believed only true-blooded Numenoreans should hold the throne of Gondor. This lead to a civil war, eventually resulting in the Usurpers fleeing far south to Umbar. Info 2: What a folly it is to think of the Corsairs merely as a ragged rabble! Their pride and wish for vengeance heats their forges, arming the Usurpers with Dúnedain steel.

I think The Dawnless Days units have a really strong Castamiri theme to it that we could utilize as flavour to the mod.

So I see 2 good ways of breaking these up, I think giving Umbar a Castamiri tenet to enforce that narrative that they see themselves as the true lords of gondor would be cool and give some MAA based on that to them, possible the The Dawnless Days flavoured ones. And either make a tenet or similar that all black numenorean and their decedents have or just specifically just the current culture and give them some DaC Flavoured Unit.

An interesting thing I think we could give Ar-Adûnaim is to well, remove the Naru n’Aru Royal Guard regiment (that gives Knights of Numenor, Soldiers of Numenor & Steel-bows of Numenor. Which can’t be obtained again afterwards) And give them access to a special MAA only the title of Ar-Adunaim empire can recruit. This is inspired by what we did with the Fountain Guard, which are tied to the gondorian empire titles. The unit or units we could give them could be like the Naru n’Aru Royal Guards and/or Naru n’Aru Royal knights. The Naru n’Aru household guard feel more like a generic MAA which we could use somewhere else if we wish.

Click to expand ![image](

Regional – Anadûnê & Thani Hazad regions

Both the Azrazâir units and the Rôzadan units from the DaC mod seem to hint that they are from the Far South, so we could make some regional MAA’s flavoured with them. I think it would be cool if we could tie both of them to different regions, one for Anadûnê & Thani Hazad. I think Azrazâir would make more sense for the Anadûnê area as it speaks more on a history with sailing and a certain ship while Rôzadan feels more generic.

But if it doesn’t fit this criteria I thing they both at least would fit for a Mercenary or holy order name.

Mercenaries & Holy Orders

For the Mulkhêrhili perhaps we could have a inspired version of the DaC unit Ar-Pharazôn’s faithful, while that could easily be seen as a King’s Men unit I think one can twist it to be a Mulkhêrhili holy order unit as the faith is based on the the Melkor temple on Numenor which Ar-Pharazôn was a big part of. I think this would give Ar-Adunaim a more flavourful Holy Order to their cause. For a more generic Black Numenorean (+ splinter cultures) perhaps we could have a inspired version of the DaC unit Alcrondras Sunderers, who is supposedly a special warband who have protected and served the decendents of Berúthiel. I think this is a good Easter egg.

Alternative paths with "Good" Faith

Basically for Players who switch to “good” faith as Black Numenoreans, which weirdly seem to be a trend. So maybe we can make a “few” new generic units based a bit on some of the gondorian and Darkness Faith ones. Like “Sun” (to emphasize on the area) guard this and unit this. Overall this might be a “culture group” thing if they go good faith but then again this might honestly be a feature creep, but i thought it was worth mentioning


I think I’ve brought up several suggestions that if good enough would allow the Black numenoreans their decedents/Northern Adûniac Heritage and the 3 fate groups of King’s Men, Sauron evil faith and the Mulkhêrhili all to at least have 1 special unit dedicated to them if not more, and since these groups are a fan favourite I think making some flavoured ones to them is a good idea in my mind. And if there is a risk of them getting a bit to many MAA I think the current ones we have if could be remade to a certain extent.

Another note I wish to convey is also I think that these MAA should be a bit overpriced, to emphasize on the Black Numenoreans and their decedents are fewer in numbers + for gameplay reasons most of them are able to raid and thus gain more money that way. So for both flavour and gameplay reasons I think it makes sense to make their units a bit more expensive.

Remerod commented 1 year ago


So while Icons and art is still WIP I've added (with a lot of help of @Kyrenic & @Chief305 ) a bunch of new MAA some tied to the new Black numenorean tradition and some to other stuff.

In Need of testing

I believe there needs to be some balance testing done to them. So my idea of them is that they are similar to the gondorians but they are "fewer" in number and more expensive, so that's their balance theme, but other balance need to be addressed as well, do remember that some of them are way fewer in number and their stats are higher because of that.

So the Men at Arms i've added are; abrazanim_legion "Abrazanim Nardutârik" -Tied to the Black Numenorean Legacy tradition abrazanim_helberdiers: "Abrazanim Narduburôda" -Tied to the Black Numenorean Legacy tradition abrazanim_warbows "Abrazanim Nardubawîb" -Tied to the Black Numenorean Legacy tradition

narunaru_royal_guard "Naru n'Aru Royal Guard" -Tied to the holder of the de_jure_empire Ar-Adunaim title adunaim_armsmen "Adunâim Armsmen" -Tied to the holder of the de_jure_empire Ar-Adunaim title

adunakhori "Adûnakhôri" -Tied to the Castamiri Dynasty and a holder of a Kingdom title umbar_usurpers "Zimranardû" -Tied to the Castamiri Dynasty and a holder of a Kingdom title

temple_knights_of_the_eye "Servants of the Eye" -Tied to the Black Numenorean Legacy tradition that are also Servants to Sauron and Sauron Himself.

Their Code:

Click to expand ``` narunaru_royal_guard = { # Royal Guards of the Ar-Adunaim type = pikemen damage = 170 toughness = 200 pursuit = 20 screen = 45 counters = { pikemen = 1 skirmishers = 1 heavy_cavalry = 2 } buy_cost = { gold = 170 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.5 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 2.1 } stack = 20 ai_quality = { value = @cultural_maa_extra_ai_score } allowed_in_hired_troops = no icon = citadel_guard can_recruit = { primary_title = title:e_adunaim } } adunaim_armsmen = { # Adunâim Armsmen type = heavy_infantry damage = 60 toughness = 25 pursuit = 10 screen = 20 counters = { skirmishers = 1 pikemen = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 100 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.5 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 2.1 } stack = 100 ai_quality = { value = @cultural_maa_extra_ai_score } allowed_in_hired_troops = no icon = heavy_infantry can_recruit = { primary_title = title:e_adunaim } } # Castamiri MAA adunakhori = { # Heavy Shock Infantry, type = heavy_infantry damage = 140 toughness = 80 pursuit = 40 screen = 30 terrain_bonus = { plains = { damage = 10 toughness = 4 } farmlands = { damage = 10 toughness = 4 } } counters = { archers = 2 skirmishers = 1 heavy_infantry = 1 light_calvary = 1 spearmen = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 170 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.9 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 2 } stack = 50 allowed_in_hired_troops = no ai_quality = { value = @cultural_maa_extra_ai_score } allowed_in_hired_troops = no icon = heavy_infantry can_recruit = { dynasty = dynasty:dynasty_castamir NOT = { is_gondor = yes } highest_held_title_tier >= tier_kingdom } } umbar_usurpers = { # the Umbar Usurpers or Zimranardû 'Jewel-soldiers' type = skirmishers damage = 50 toughness = 35 pursuit = 5 screen = 10 terrain_bonus = { plains = { damage = 10 toughness = 2 } farmlands = { damage = 10 toughness = 2 } } counters = { pikemen = 1 skirmishers = 1 spearmen = 1 heavy_infantry = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 100 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.8 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 2 } stack = 100 ai_quality = { value = @cultural_maa_extra_ai_score } allowed_in_hired_troops = no icon = skirmishers can_recruit = { dynasty = dynasty:dynasty_castamir NOT = { is_gondor = yes } highest_held_title_tier >= tier_kingdom } } # Black Numenorean Legacy MAA abrazanim_legion = { # the Abrazanim Nardutârik = 'Faithful Tower-soldiers' sturdy defensive tactics can_recruit = { culture = { has_cultural_parameter = unlock_maa_abrazanim_legion } } type = heavy_infantry damage = 50 toughness = 50 pursuit = 0 screen = 20 terrain_bonus = { plains = { damage = 5 toughness = 10 } farmlands = { damage = 5 toughness = 10 } } counters = { pikemen = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 160 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.8 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 2.2 } stack = 100 ai_quality = { value = @cultural_maa_extra_ai_score } icon = heavy_infantry } abrazanim_helberdiers = { # Abrazanim Narduburôda = 'Faithful Heavy-soldiers' defensive melee can_recruit = { culture = { has_cultural_parameter = unlock_maa_abrazanim_helberdiers } } type = pikemen damage = 32 toughness = 34 pursuit = 0 screen = 0 terrain_bonus = { plains = { toughness = 8 } desert_mountains = { toughness = 4 } farmlands = { toughness = 8 } } counters = { light_cavalry = 1 heavy_cavalry = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 80 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.3 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 1 } allowed_in_hired_troops = no stack = 100 ai_quality = { value = culture_ai_weight_pikemen } icon = pikemen } abrazanim_warbows = { # Abrazanim Nardubawîb = 'Faithful Wind-soldiers'. The Nardubawîb are the ranged part of the army can_recruit = { culture = { has_cultural_parameter = unlock_maa_abrazanim_warbows } } type = archers damage = 35 toughness = 16 pursuit = 0 screen = 0 terrain_bonus = { hills = { damage = 10 toughness = 4 } forest = { toughness = 4 screen = 4 } taiga = { toughness = 4 screen = 4 } } counters = { skirmishers = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 65 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.3 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 1 } mercenary_fallback = yes holy_order_fallback = yes stack = 100 ai_quality = { value = culture_ai_weight_archers } icon = bowmen } ### Religous MAA ### # Cult of the Lidless Eye temple_knights_of_the_eye = { # Servents of the Eye, Armored Horsemen, with +10 toughness and +5 screen. type = heavy_cavalry can_recruit = { OR = { AND = { culture = { has_cultural_tradition = tradition_blacknumenorean_legacy } trigger_if = { limit = { is_vassal = yes } top_liege = { is_sauron = yes } } trigger_else = { always = no } } is_sauron = yes } } damage = 180 toughness = 80 pursuit = 40 screen = 30 terrain_bonus = { plains = { damage = 30 } drylands = { damage = 30 } volcanic_plains = { damage = 15 toughness = 10 } hills = { damage = -10 } jungle = { damage = -25 } desert_mountains = { damage = -10 } wetlands = { damage = -55 } } counters = { archers = 2 skirmishers = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = gendarme_recruitment_cost } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = gendarme_low_maint_cost } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = gendarme_high_maint_cost } stack = 40 allowed_in_hired_troops = no ai_quality = { value = @cultural_maa_extra_ai_score } icon = heavy_cavalry } ```

Review and Balance test

Please review and balance test these MAA and write a comment here or ping be in the #issues-discussion channel, also feel free to have an open chat about how you feel about them ether here or there.

Jermanlordy commented 1 year ago

The Special unit mordor starts with the Barad Dur guard still uses the Black Numenorean Vanguard unit in it

Jermanlordy commented 1 year ago

Mouth of Sauron can also still recruit Black Numenorean Vanguard

Rémerod: the Black Numenorean Vanguard will most likely be removed

Jermanlordy commented 1 year ago

The Abrazanim Bow unit needs a stat increase since crossbowmen will always at this point be more worth it since they have higher stats and can counter more things

The Adunakhori MaA need a stat nerf or price increase there price is way to low compared to there stats and counters there counters also are a bit bugged

The Abrazanim Spearmen have better stats then the regular pikemen yet was forgotten to give equal counters

The Zimranardu have a slight bug in there counter and they should have less counters like IMO just heavy inf and pikemen

Umbar can recruit horse archers they shouldnt

Drandus22 commented 1 year ago

I ran a basic stats test... I added the base stats for each regiment and divided those stats by the regiment cost. I then compared those numbers with the stats of the game's base regiments. I also added another specialty regiment to the comparison (I picked a unit that the unit being tested might fight against). image

Drandus22 commented 1 year ago

I know that all units are not intended to be equal, and that terrain specialization is also an important factor... but there are a few major discrepancies here. They are not necessarily a problem, but they are worth looking at. Zimranardu seem to be significantly less cost effective than the base light footmen, but MUCH more cost efficient than the Gondorian Spearmen (for example).

Remerod commented 1 year ago

The Abrazanim Bow unit needs a stat increase since crossbowmen will always at this point be more worth it since they have higher stats and can counter more things

I've decided to leave them as a better bowman unit for now, i think it's fine for now that crossbowmen are better, i might adjust this in the future though

Jermanlordy commented 1 year ago

i mean youd think special BN bowmen would be better then crossbowmen to

Drandus22 commented 1 year ago

It sounds like (based on how it was explained to me) they should definitely be better, just more costly. Unless I misunderstood the vision for these units, I think the Adûnaic units should still be more cost efficient (stats/cost) than base units, but both the stats and the cost should be higher. Otherwise, there is less incentive to fork over the extra gold of the special units.

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On Oct 5, 2022, at 3:02 AM, Jermanlordy @.***> wrote:  i mean youd think special BN bowmen would be better then crossbowmen to

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Jermanlordy commented 1 year ago

yea agreed

Remerod commented 1 year ago

I mean they are stronger then bowmen, and i feel it's weird that bowmen would be stronger then crossbowmen. But if you 2 (@Jermanlordy & @Drandus22 ) feel strongly about this, can you help me with the stats and cost then?

(see stats below)


Click to expand crossbowmen = { type = archers damage = 42 toughness = 18 pursuit = 0 screen = 0 can_recruit = { is_human = yes } terrain_bonus = { hills = { damage = 10 } plains = { toughness = -8 } drylands = { toughness = -8 } desert = { toughness = -8 } } counters = { heavy_infantry = 1 heavy_cavalry = 1 archer_cavalry = 0.5 } buy_cost = { gold = crossbowmen_recruitment_cost } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = crossbowmen_low_maint_cost } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = crossbowmen_high_maint_cost } holy_order_fallback = yes stack = 100 }

Abrazanim Nardubawîb/BN bowmen

Click to expand abrazanim_warbows = { # Abrazanim Nardubawîb = 'Faithful Wind-soldiers'. The Nardubawîb are the ranged part of the army can_recruit = { culture = { has_cultural_parameter = unlock_maa_abrazanim_warbows } } type = archers damage = 35 toughness = 16 pursuit = 0 screen = 0 terrain_bonus = { hills = { damage = 10 toughness = 4 } forest = { toughness = 4 screen = 4 } taiga = { toughness = 4 screen = 4 } } counters = { skirmishers = 1 } buy_cost = { gold = 65 } low_maintenance_cost = { gold = 0.3 } high_maintenance_cost = { gold = 1 } mercenary_fallback = yes holy_order_fallback = yes stack = 100 ai_quality = { value = culture_ai_weight_archers } icon = bowmen }
Drandus22 commented 1 year ago

I definitely don’t feel so strongly about it that I would be upset either way… :)

I would say that (using base stats alone) the Adûnaic bowmen are 80% as cost effective as regular bowmen and almost 75% cost effective as Ithilien Rangers. Still there is the matter of terrain bonuses. And counters. The Adûnaic are much better in both. Maybe the answer is not changing the stats, but highlighting (in their description) that these units are hardier and experts in more varied forms of combat? Basically, a little salesmanship of their virtues.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 5, 2022, at 10:25 AM, Rémerod (el MaloDiablo @.***>) wrote:

 I mean they are stronger then bowmen, and i feel it's weird that bowmen would be stronger then crossbowmen. But if you 2 @.*** & @Drandus22 ) feel strongly about this, can you help me with the stats and cost then?

(see stats below)


Click to expand Abrazanim Nardubawîb/BN bowmen

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jj248 commented 1 year ago

I believe this is done but I'm going to ping to testers to confirm.

Drandus22 commented 1 year ago

I agree. I think we discussed and resolved this issue.Thank you for checking in,DrandusSent from my iPhoneOn Dec 19, 2022, at 5:59 AM, Jamie Jones @.***> wrote: I believe this is done but I'm going to ping to testers to confirm.

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