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Invite Elves to Edhellond #705

Closed blackbird5598 closed 1 year ago

blackbird5598 commented 1 year ago

Decision for Gondor to invite Elves (from Rivendell perhaps? Or maybe Haldir) to take residence as a vassal or protectorate of some kind. Prerequisites: Aragorn is the High King & has married Arwen Is Elendili faith is a Paragon (not sure about this one) Has Sindarin as Court Language

I'm not sure about this but maybe have it so that they diverge from whatever Elven culture or that they have either a decision to form a new one in Edhellond, or at the very least when a Edhellond Elven player goes to manually diverge culture it has a unique name. (perhaps they hybridize with the LOTRO Avorrim?) I think some other prerequisites should be here but unsure and leave it for group discussion recommendations.

jj248 commented 1 year ago

Good idea, but we won't get time to look at this before v3 release, so pushing to content for post v3.

Jaco-Daan commented 1 year ago

If no-one is going to take a look at this, I'm more than willing to take a look at this, seems fairly simple (compared to other issues that is ;) )

Jaco-Daan commented 1 year ago

Also, kind of an odd question, but when the player gets to take the decision, should he get an event where he could possibly swap over to play as the elf?

JukeJukestar commented 1 year ago

I don't see why not? I suppose there wont be much to do though. You could make Edhellond its own 1-county dejure duchy or kingdom after the decision is taken, though Im not sure if that would conflict with any code (castamiri etc)

Note that the decision should cost quite a bit of cash/prestige/piety, some of which could be given to the elf so he has some starting bucks.

For the character, Im not sure how to handle it... perhaps you get the choice between inviting elves from different places? (Rivendell, Lorien etc if they are elven) and then we have a list of characters it checks for each (if none are avaiable, generate a courtier)

Jaco-Daan commented 1 year ago

Decision for Gondor to invite Elves (from Rivendell perhaps? Or maybe Haldir) to take residence as a vassal or protectorate of some kind. Prerequisites: Aragorn is the High King & has married Arwen Is Elendili faith is a Paragon (not sure about this one) Has Sindarin as Court Language

I'm not sure about this but maybe have it so that they diverge from whatever Elven culture or that they have either a decision to form a new one in Edhellond, or at the very least when a Edhellond Elven player goes to manually diverge culture it has a unique name. (perhaps they hybridize with the LOTRO Avorrim?) I think some other prerequisites should be here but unsure and leave it for group discussion recommendations.

I'm not sure on the restriction for whether Aragorn married Arwen, as it kinda gate keeps the player from taking this decision is he doesn't play on lore friendly settings (obv still a chance of Aragorn marrying Arwen with other lore settings, but it still raises the problem of if someone player on weighted or random lore rule the decision will never be avaiable)

Remerod commented 1 year ago

since this is close to done maybe it should get moved to project for patch 3.1?

blackbird5598 commented 1 year ago

Also, kind of an odd question, but when the player gets to take the decision, should he get an event where he could possibly swap over to play as the elf?

I was personally thinking either inviting Haldir and giving his lands to one of his brothers, or inviting his unlanded brother, or inviting Elronds son Elrohir. Those were the people that came to my mind at least.

blackbird5598 commented 1 year ago

Decision for Gondor to invite Elves (from Rivendell perhaps? Or maybe Haldir) to take residence as a vassal or protectorate of some kind. Prerequisites: Aragorn is the High King & has married Arwen Is Elendili faith is a Paragon (not sure about this one) Has Sindarin as Court Language I'm not sure about this but maybe have it so that they diverge from whatever Elven culture or that they have either a decision to form a new one in Edhellond, or at the very least when a Edhellond Elven player goes to manually diverge culture it has a unique name. (perhaps they hybridize with the LOTRO Avorrim?) I think some other prerequisites should be here but unsure and leave it for group discussion recommendations.

I'm not sure on the restriction for whether Aragorn married Arwen, as it kinda gate keeps the player from taking this decision is he doesn't play on lore friendly settings (obv still a chance of Aragorn marrying Arwen with other lore settings, but it still raises the problem of if someone player on weighted or random lore rule the decision will never be avaiable)

I said that because I feel like you should only do it as a elf friendly Aragorn, & what is more elf friendly than marrying one? I mean it will show in the prerequisites anyway right? so people will know what has to happen for the decision.

Jaco-Daan commented 1 year ago

Well @blackbird5598, the decision and all the events/restrictions are alreaady in, so if you want to take a quick look at it and highlight anything you want changed its all on the To&To branch.

Note, the event ids are as follows:

Jauffr commented 1 year ago

The decisions all work as intended. While I personally am not fond of the extremely high costs for the kingdom decision and their being a level of fame requirement for Andrast to invite the elves, it is still possible. You already know this though Jaco hehe. I watched you test it and we talked about that ;) Screenshot 2023-06-20 151123 Screenshot 2023-06-20 153530 Screenshot 2023-06-20 153219

Jauffr commented 1 year ago

I do find it funny that the decision is only dissabled for 25 years though. It makes me wonder if the decision to elevate the kingdom of Edhelond would be available again after those 25 years. Not that it would do anything

savagesach commented 1 year ago

image The invite elves to edhellond decision does not work if you befriend Elrond

savagesach commented 1 year ago

image yeah after befriending thranduil, lanthir, galadriel, and elrond, only the first three are options for settling. There should be an option to invite a noldor elf if elrond is befriended

Jaco-Daan commented 1 year ago

currently its not intended for noldor to be able to settle, as their content isn't fully fleshed out. but it does raise the important fact that Aragorn can befriend Elrond in our current game start.

Jaco-Daan commented 1 year ago

So the previous bug has been fixed, and all the other playthroughs came out fine, closing