CKGrafico / inversify-props

Wrapper of Inversify to inject your dependencies in the components, made with TypeScript and compatible with Vue, React and other component libraries.
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Vue-CLI Production Error #67

Closed dirodriguezm closed 3 years ago

dirodriguezm commented 3 years ago

Hello, I think I always ask stuff that are not really a bug with the library, but I don't know where to ask. So I apologize if this is too dumb.

I'm trying to build a vue app for production. The documentation says that I have to configure Terser plugin so I did. Put this inside vue.config.js

  const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin");
  module.exports = {
  //... other configs
    configureWebpack: (config) => {
      config.optimization = {
        minimize: true,
        minimizer: [
          new TerserPlugin({
            terserOptions: {
              keep_classnames: true,
              keep_fnames: true,

But I still get a blank page after building and the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: o is undefined
    generateIdName id.helper.js:19
    cleanParameter parameters.helper.js:26
    injectParameterDecorator inject.helper.js:41
    inject inject.helper.js:21
    __param tslib.es6.js:61
    DecorateConstructor Reflect.js:541
    decorate Reflect.js:130
    __decorate tslib.es6.js:55
    f112 HttpService.ts:53
    Webpack 5

Note: Before I configured TerserPlugin the error was a bit different. It said TypeError: e is undefined Note2: It works completely fine in development mode

CKGrafico commented 3 years ago

Something is wrong in your config, is not working when you're doing the minification, I'll need a sandobx project to test

dirodriguezm commented 3 years ago

@CKGrafico Ok, thanks. Right now I'm on a short holiday. I'll get back to it next week and might create a sandbox for yout to test.

dirodriguezm commented 3 years ago

Hi again !

I tried to recreate the problem starting from a clean project but it worked fine. I'm sure there's a problem with my project, but unfortunately I can't make a sandbox with it. I can report back some progress though.

After carefully checking my tsconfig.json and refactoring a few classes I got to a point where I'm absolutely sure that there is a problem with bindings when running in production mode that does not happen on dev.

For example, there's a Vuex action that gets an instance from the container like this:

login() {
  const interactor = container.get<UseCaseInteractor>(cid.Login)

Which results in the following error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: No matching bindings found for serviceIdentifier: Symbol(I)

In the part that I inject all dependencies I have this:

export function containerBuilder(): void {

This works fine on development mode but not when I build the project.

I'm using vue cli. On development mode I use vue-cli-service serve and for production I'm running vue-cli-service build.

CKGrafico commented 3 years ago

That means you're minifiying the code without:

  keep_classnames: true,
              keep_fnames: true,

these options are only to don't have Symbol(I)

dirodriguezm commented 3 years ago

@CKGrafico Ok, so I changed the webpack config inside my vue.config.js like this:

  configureWebpack: (config) => {
    config.optimization = {
      minimize: false, // <--- changed this to false
      minimizer: [
        new TerserPlugin({
          terserOptions: {
            keep_classnames: true,
            keep_fnames: true,

Setting minimize option to false and got it working, so that's great. But what does this mean really ? Is this the default or am I changing something that should not be changed ? I thought that for the minimizer property to work I should have minimize set to true

Edit: vue inspect shows the following optimization options:

  optimization: {
    minimize: true,
    minimizer: [
        options: {
          test: /\.m?js(\?.*)?$/i,
          chunkFilter: () => true,
          warningsFilter: () => true,
          extractComments: true,
          sourceMap: undefined,
          cache: true,
          cacheKeys: defaultCacheKeys => defaultCacheKeys,
          parallel: true,
          include: undefined,
          exclude: undefined,
          minify: undefined,
          terserOptions: {
            keep_classnames: true,
            keep_fnames: true

Printing the options on build step also shows correct value for keep_classnames and keep_fnames. What could be causing the error even if the setup is correct for minimizer ?

CKGrafico commented 3 years ago

No idea, never happened to me, if you create a project form scratch is also happening? if you use another minimizer instead Terser is also happening?

dirodriguezm commented 3 years ago

I created a project from scratch and worked totally fine. I also tried to match the dependencies from the working and not working projects but no luck. I guess I will have to not use minimizer or try with another instead of Terser.