Closed CKJP closed 2 years ago
Congratulations @CKJP, you've completed this course!
Your blog is now live and has been deployed here!
Before we finish, let's recap everything you completed in this repository
There's so much more you can do with GitHub Pages, and you have a solid start. Now...what will you learn next?
It looks like your pull request description is empty, @CKJP.
Did you know? By adding keywords to your pull request, you can automatically close issues.
For example, if you type
closes #2
in your pull request description, the open issue will close when this exercise is complete! For more keywords that you can use to close issues, see “Closing issues with keywords".If you would like assistance troubleshooting the issue you are encountering, create a post on the GitHub Community board. You might also want to search for your issue to see if other people have resolved it in the past.
Check below for next steps.