For some odd reason, this color picker doesn't color the alts properly. It is leaving a few pixels of the sprite. They seem to be having colors of the default alt with a difference of 1 digit (For example, the default has a portion colored in #1e1e1e, but leave a few pixels of #1e1f1e in every other alt). I don't know if it seems to be affecting anyone else or not. (This was used in brave browser btw)
For some odd reason, this color picker doesn't color the alts properly. It is leaving a few pixels of the sprite. They seem to be having colors of the default alt with a difference of 1 digit (For example, the default has a portion colored in #1e1e1e, but leave a few pixels of #1e1f1e in every other alt). I don't know if it seems to be affecting anyone else or not. (This was used in brave browser btw)