CLADevs / VanillaX

A plugin which adds Vanilla blocks, items, entities and more to your server.
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Gamerule false don’t fix multiword crash #87

Closed MadooxMc closed 3 years ago

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

Gamerule false don’t fix multiworld crash and keepinventory is on in my server but i have set false … how to fix all that? Dont close my issue please!!! The bug is not fix !

MonoAdrian23 commented 3 years ago

He's right Change gamerule to false doenst fix anything

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

Mind sending errors

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Wed Aug 11 18:53:28 CEST 2021

Error: Argument 1 passed to czechpmdevs\multiworld\level\gamerules\GameRules::czechpmdevs\multiworld\level\gamerules{closure}() must be an instance of pocketmine\nbt\tag\StringTag, instance of pocketmine\nbt\tag\ByteTag given File: plugins/520_pe_multiworld.phar/src/czechpmdevs/multiworld/level/gamerules/GameRules Line: 193 Type: TypeError


Code: [184] } [185] [186] return GameRules::unserializeGameRules($nbt); [187] } [188] [189] /* [190] Unserializes GameRules from World Provider [191] */ [192] public static function unserializeGameRules(CompoundTag $nbt): GameRules { [193] return new GameRules(array_map(function (StringTag $stringTag) { [194] if ($stringTag->getValue() == "true") { [195] return true; [196] } [197] if ($stringTag->getValue() == "false") { [198] return false; [199] } [200] [201] return (int)$stringTag->getValue(); [202] }, $nbt->getValue())); [203] }

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

Send me ur Config

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

If this is false mobs will not register through VanillaX plugin

mobs: true

Anything listed here, would not be registered from this plugin.

If you would like all of these to be registered, delete the disabled section from the config.yml

item. or you would want enchantments to be registered, but other to not be registered,

simpily delete the enchantments section and you should be set.


Mobs includes armor stand, zombies, etc.


- 43 #this would be blaze entity Id


List of blocks that wont be registered


- 145 #This would be anvil block Id


Items includes Firework, Armor Stand and so on


- 513 #This would be shield item Id


Commands that wont be registered, they must be all lowercase.


- "gamerule"


Enchantments that wont be register


- 25 #ID of the Frost Walker Enchantment

Features you can disable


Disables weather including /weather

weather: false

Disables gamerule and removes command /gamerule

gamerule: false

if this is true and gamerule feature is off, it will delete previous game rule.

gamerule-remove-cache: true ...

I would try with gamerule remove cache on false ?

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

keep gamerule: false

And gamerule-remove-cache: true

Did you restart your server?

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

Okkay , it’s like my config, yes i have restart my server …

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

I’ll check onto it more when I can

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

Ok thank you very mutch for all your answer

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

Keepinventory stay on to :/

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

I’ll check gamerule issues soon

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

cant seem to reproduce it, try using the latest multi world plugin and latest vanillax

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

Ok thank you i will try that now i have download VanillaX i will download latest multiword, and i ll keep you informed !

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

I have try in first keep inventory, i have crash when i’m dead 😂 but i dont have removed vanillaX on plugin_data folder, it comes from there?

xXNiceYT commented 3 years ago

What error?

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

Is spider kill me (just for information)

Error: Incorrect type of element at "10": Argument 1 passed to pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDeathEvent::pocketmine\event\entity{closure}() must be an instance of pocketmine\item\Item, array given, called in phar:///home/gameserver/servers/serveur7/minecraftbedrock/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/utils/Utils.php on line 711 File: pmsrc/src/pocketmine/utils/Utils Line: 713 Type: TypeError


Code: [704] @phpstan-template TMemberType [705] @phpstan-param array<mixed, TMemberType> $array [706] @phpstan-param \Closure(TMemberType) : void $validator [707] / [708] public static function validateArrayValueType(array $array, \Closure $validator) : void{ [709] foreach($array as $k => $v){ [710] try{ [711] $validator($v); [712] }catch(\TypeError $e){ [713] throw new \TypeError("Incorrect type of element at \"$k\": " . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e); [714] } [715] } [716] } [717] [718] public static function recursiveUnlink(string $dir) : void{ [719] if(is_dir($dir)){ [720] $objects = scandir($dir, SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); [721] if($objects === false) throw new AssumptionFailedError("scandir() shouldn't return false when is_dir() returns true"); [722] foreach($objects as $object){ [723] if($object !== "." and $object !==

MadooxMc commented 3 years ago

With the latest plugin multiworld i have found in recent build of poggit, i have same error , server crash 😢 and when i have join server my stuff is here, keep inventory on :’(