Repository for the Interest Group on Text
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Defining the scope of the Text group #2

Open proycon opened 4 years ago

proycon commented 4 years ago

I think we need to define the scope of the text group, and how it relates to some of the other groups like the annotation group.

In the README I suggested the following, but this is of course just an initial suggestion and still up for discussion:

  • support of automatic text processing, including but not limited to linguistic enrichment and NLP.

Aspects that are outside the scope of this Interest Group (because they are covered by other IGs):

  • manual text annotation (covered by the annotation group)
  • annotation models and formats (covered by the annotation group)

I see this group as a group focussing on actual NLP tools, all kinds of automatic enrichment processes for text. Text mining in general seems to be within our scope. Text retrieval and querying as well probably, although we quickly overlap with the annotation group here.

What do you think?

proycon commented 3 years ago

I just attempted to formulate a somewhat clearer scope for our group in . Comments and additions welcome!