CLARIAH / clariah-plus

This is the project planning repository for the CLARIAH-PLUS project. It groups all technical documents and discussions pertaining to CLARIAH-PLUS in a central place and should facilitate findability, transparency and project planning, for the project as a whole.
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Establishing a common metadata vocabulary for our use cases #16

Closed proycon closed 2 years ago

proycon commented 3 years ago

We just had a Technical Committee meeting in which we looked at the use cases that have been collected thus-far. Eventually we want to use these use cases as a basis to distil objectives, which will be more abstractly defined.

We came to the agreement that we need to move to some kind of simple tagging vocabulary and show these tags in the index of all the use-cases, make them more easily discernible. The current version already does this to a certain extent by adding at least a WPx label and possible some relevant technology cues.

This relates to the broader discussion on the metadata for the use cases:

Daan (@dgbroeder) raised the issue of wanting to see more and better defined metadata for the use cases, amongst other things regarding those that have been marked completed (Mario (@mmisworking) also remarked on this). @dgbroeder: Could you specify in this issue what kind of metadata and vocabulary you would like to suggest? Then we can discuss it here.

Daan also raised the point of various use-cases being tied to specific technology, or where a certain technology is the adopted or suggested solution (which doesn't imply it is the only possible one of course).

I think we can currently roughly distinguish two types of use cases (which are already indicated as such mostly):

Still, both can either be tied to particular technology or be in more general terms, so that is another dimension we may want to qualify explicitly in the metadata.

I suppose, as we are establishing vocabularies anyway, that we may even want to define what exactly we see as a "use case".

Having said all this, it is important to stress (as @roelandordelman did in the meeting) that we are in an initial phase and in this stage we are happy to just to collect as many use cases as we can, regardless of whether they adhere strictly to the template or to a specific metadata vocabulary. This discussion should not inhibit anybody from contributing use cases.

proycon commented 3 years ago

Ik citeer ook nog even het punt van @marijnkoolen uit de chat van de meeting, want dat is ook relevant voor deze discussie:

Misschien goed om die specifieke en generieke use cases als verschillende niveaus te zien die aan elkaar gelinkt worden. Liliana Melgar heeft ooit een schema gemaakt: Scenario/user project -> task/workflow analysis -> Use case (abstraction/summary of different scenarios) -> Conceptual modelling/design -> Requirements -> ...

De project-specifieke use cases zijn dan eigenlijk scenarios/user projects.

proycon commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this one because we've moved on from the use cases currently.