CLARIAH / clariah-plus

This is the project planning repository for the CLARIAH-PLUS project. It groups all technical documents and discussions pertaining to CLARIAH-PLUS in a central place and should facilitate findability, transparency and project planning, for the project as a whole.
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Define cross-WP team for tool discovery #30

Closed proycon closed 2 years ago

proycon commented 2 years ago

We need to identify people who want to work on this core-shared service.

It is important we have representation from Ineo, from WP4 (vocabularies), from WP3 (existing codemeta & CMDI initiatives)

The current composition of this team can be found here:

proycon commented 2 years ago

Please simply add a comment with the role you'd like to fulfill in this shared core:

I'm probably coordinating this, and will if needed also act as a main developer for software components (like the harvester and tool registry). I've worked with codemeta and in WP3 we have some CMDI profiles for software metadata from earlier projects, that may serve as inspiration for the vocabulary.

roelandordelman commented 2 years ago

please add me as stakeholder ;)

proycon commented 2 years ago

I received an expression of interest to participate from @JanOdijk and I mailed Sebastiaan Fluitsma about possible participation from Ineo's side.

ErwinKomen commented 2 years ago

The current composition of this team can be found here:

Link not existing?

jblom commented 2 years ago

@proycon want to be part of this. Mostly I need to tackle, which of the WP5 tools can be moved to a public repository and, if not, what can be done to extract parts of the code that can be made public.

Would also like to help review & test code.

JessedeDoes commented 2 years ago

You can add me as representing INT, in order to make sure our software gets properly codemeta'd.

4tikhonov commented 2 years ago

Hi @proycon, please add me as contact person for DANS software codemeta.

ddeboer commented 2 years ago

@proycon You can add me to the team too.

proycon commented 2 years ago

@jblom @JessedeDoes @4tikhonov @ddeboer Thanks! I added you to the team.

I'm not immediately planning any meetings or anything (they tend to be overrated and time-consuming imho), I hope we can just bootstrap ourselves from the issues mostly. So please don't hold back and provide your input wherever you see fit.

proycon commented 2 years ago

Link not existing?

@erwinkomen it does exist.. but perhaps it's not accessible to people not in the CLARIAH github organization yet (so that kind of defeats the purpose of the link).

proycon commented 2 years ago

@ErwinKomen In case you're interested in joining in, just reply here (or in any of the other corresponding issues for the other tracks if you want in on those.

proycon commented 2 years ago

@rlzijdeman We don't have any 'official' representation from WP4 yet in our tool discovery group, but considering the linked data nature this would be very welcome. Do you have any volunteers (or can you appoint one ;) )?