Closed c-martinez closed 8 months ago
Changes include:
Creating JSON-LD via SPARQLTransformer
Adding Gitlab support (testing, authentication)
Update supported Python versions: 3.8 to 3.11
Refactor query rewriter
Dependabot updates for flask, pygithub, pytest, python-gitlab, pyaml
Linter using flake8 and black
Update notebook example for using grlc as a library
Adding endpoint-method decorator allowing to control POST/GET communication with SPARQL endpoint
Replace docopt by docopt-ng
Changes include:
Creating JSON-LD via SPARQLTransformer
Adding Gitlab support (testing, authentication)
Update supported Python versions: 3.8 to 3.11
Refactor query rewriter
Dependabot updates for flask, pygithub, pytest, python-gitlab, pyaml
Linter using flake8 and black
Update notebook example for using grlc as a library
Adding endpoint-method decorator allowing to control POST/GET communication with SPARQL endpoint
Replace docopt by docopt-ng