CLOSER-Cohorts / archivist

Archivist is designed to be an easy to use editor that allows documention of questionnaires and data in DDI-Lifecycle
MIT License
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REACT: Easy installer for heroku deployment to set up a new Archivist #608

Open HayleyMills opened 3 years ago

HayleyMills commented 3 years ago

Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

simonreed commented 3 years ago

Hi Hayley, no not sure what we need for this. Could you explain?

HayleyMills commented 3 years ago

@spuddybike can you add some details to this please?

spuddybike commented 3 years ago

We have instructions for a standalone version at - this is probably out of date but we will worry about that another day

Clear unequivocal installation instructions from scratch on Heroku

simonreed commented 3 years ago

I've updated the README file to keep it update.

When you click on the 'Deploy to Heroku' it will set all the requirements such as ENV vars, build packs and paid resources that you need. Note the README only points to the 'master' branch so that will only work once we've merged into that.

I've also updated and linked to it directly in the README.

simonreed commented 2 years ago

@spuddybike The migration issues have now been resolved and this is deploying from the 'Deploy to Heroku' button

simonreed commented 2 years ago

It would need to be deployed to the master branch

simonreed commented 8 months ago

The button will only update when we push the changes to master as that's what the link tells Heroku to look at but if you click on then it will use the latest changes from the develop branch and it now no longer has issues finding some resources. It now uses the same resources as we do on production instances as well as updating a buildpack and some ENV vars being set (e.g. Sidekiq and JEMALLOC_ENABLED).