CLOSER-Cohorts / archivist

Archivist is designed to be an easy to use editor that allows documention of questionnaires and data in DDI-Lifecycle
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allmappings and cc_question txt remove carriage returns and ascii codes #819

Closed HayleyMills closed 2 months ago

HayleyMills commented 6 months ago

I realise this is a content problem, but is it possible to remove the additional carriage returns (new lines) from the .txt file? e.g. end of "qc_3$0;0 I understand that the information I provide in the HEAF COVID-19 study will be linked with information I provided as part of my involvement in the main HEAF study. 11615 cons3 3) I understand that the information I provide in"


This is adding an extra steps in reformatting before I can use the file.

HayleyMills commented 4 months ago

Can we also remove ascii character codes and replace with the symbols i.e. ' to '

For all_mappings.txt as well as cc_questions.txt

simonreed commented 4 months ago

This is now on staging

HayleyMills commented 4 months ago

The carriage returns have been removed from allmappings.txt. Ascii codes are still not appearing correctly ' has been replaced by –? cc_questions.txt seem to have symbols … ?

HayleyMills commented 4 months ago

Tested using

simonreed commented 3 months ago

@HayleyMills can you retest on staging please

HayleyMills commented 3 months ago

It looks okay in Archivist, so I think the issue is when it is opened in Excel? all_mappings.xlsx all_mappings.txt

simonreed commented 2 months ago

@HayleyMills I've now changed it on staging to download .tsv files which will open in Excel correctly

HayleyMills commented 2 months ago

Tested on staging and downloaded as tsv - there are still symbols when opening in Excel?


Tested using

simonreed commented 2 months ago

@HayleyMills can you test again on staging, I've now change the encoding again to handle this for Excel. Sorry I was using Apple Numbers and I thought it would work the same for Excel.

HayleyMills commented 2 months ago

Tested again as above, and it all looks okay now.