CLOVER minigrid simulation and optimisation for supporting rural electrification in developing countries
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Variable pricing of grid electricity #46

Open phil-sandwell opened 2 years ago

phil-sandwell commented 2 years ago


The price of grid electricity is the fixed and static throughout the lifetime of a system. In reality the price of grid electricity could change throughout the day or year, or vary between years.


Editing the way that the financial impact of grid electricity is considered could accommodate variable pricing. These could be implemented together, but should be able to be used independently.

At the daily scale, this could use a 1x24 input for the price of electricity ($/kWh) at different times of the day, for example:

This would replicate a situation where grid electricity is cheap in the morning, more expensive in the afternoon, and most expensive in the evening.

A similar process could be used to modify these grid prices in different months of the year compared to a baseline (e.g. 1.0 in January), for example:

This would replicate a situation where grid electricity is, on the whole, more expensive in February and March and cheaper in June, July and August.


The emissions intensity of grid electricity is already able to vary over time as it changes linearly over the simulation timeframe. In the future, the time-varying emissions intensity of grid electricity could also be changed to align with the time-varying price of electricity.

BenWinchester commented 2 years ago

@paulharfouche , I've just remembered about this - would this be at all relevant to the case of Lebanon?

paulharfouche commented 2 years ago

Oh no, Lebanon it's based on your consumption... will figure it out eventually. I am looking on writing it down pseudo and finding how to code it later. Will need a hand there 💯 Thank you for sending me this!

BenWinchester commented 2 years ago

That's what I'd figured - I was going through the old issues to check that there were no duplicates and spotted this one 😄

BenWinchester commented 1 year ago

Releasing these features (tiered-based pricing, and, here, time-based pricing) would be a good feature :smiley:

hamishbeath commented 1 year ago
