CMPUT301F21T13 / FungalFunhouse

CMPUT 301 team project repository
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Draft UI-prototype and mockup storyboard sequences for general UI flow #5

Closed op23n1 closed 3 years ago

op23n1 commented 3 years ago

Diagram the layout of your main user interface and major dialogs, with comments describing the important elements. Also, diagram storyboard sequences of using your application, with transitions between different states of the user interface, caused by the user manipulating the controls or providing input. Within the diagrams, reference the relevant requirements.

Genna-C commented 3 years ago

Began prototyping through LucidChart, involving basic home and profile screens

Genna-C commented 3 years ago

Initial Draft of Storyboard Habit Tracker Diagram completed; includes tabbed habits screen (four tabs for habits, daily habits, habit events, and friends), a profile sign in screen, and sub-screens of most tabbed screens

op23n1 commented 3 years ago

Finalized activity transition flow, and designed legend.

GTorchy commented 3 years ago

Group memebers that contributed to Storyboard/flow/UI diagram: jmacdona, storch, genna, aheal

GTorchy commented 3 years ago

Added Wiki page for Project Part 2