CMPUT301F21T13 / FungalFunhouse

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Research Database implementation solutions #9

Closed op23n1 closed 2 years ago

op23n1 commented 3 years ago
op23n1 commented 3 years ago

Obviously Firestore is an option but we're also going to want a local backup for offline use. SQLite is definitely a good option based on my research but I'd like to hear everyone else's opinions on that.

I'd also like to propose the question of priorities, if the local database should automatically be used to update the Firestore on startup, or should that offline backup have to be manually triggered to update the Firestore (with a popup or something similar)

GTorchy commented 3 years ago

After a little bit of looking, I've found how to store data locally using app-specific storage. This link: shows the android data and file storage overview. Using app-specific storage so we can have our own file hierarchy in combination with SQLite could be a possible solution.

As for priorities, I think the local database should be used to automatically update the Firestore on closing (or possibly in real-time as any edit is made) of the app to ensure any edits made are sent to Firestore. If we were to have the user manually choose when to update the Firestore its possible that they don't update it for a long time causing possible issues when it is finally updated.