CMPUT301W13T06 / classproject

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Delete cached recipes #47

Closed gptrinh closed 11 years ago

gptrinh commented 11 years ago

References Issue #003

Story(optional): As a user, I want to delete cached recipes (downloaded).

Description: Users would like to be able to delete recipes stored in their cache

Actor: User

Precondition: User has to have to viewed some recipes and verified that the recipe is stored in their cache.

Trigger: User selects a delete option on either a cached recipe or a list of cached recipes (either or)

Basic Flow:

1. User selects cached recipe from recipe or from list
2. Choose to delete the cached recipe
3. Recipe is deleted


  1. Cache gets saved to after viewing recipe
  2. Delete cached recipe is selected
  3. The cached recipe is deleted
ethanmykytiuk commented 11 years ago

I didn't see this issues made already so I am going to close this one as we have updated our new use cases