CMPUT301W13T06 / classproject

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Export Recipes #55

Closed ethanmykytiuk closed 11 years ago

ethanmykytiuk commented 11 years ago

References Issue #003

Story(optional): As a user, I want to export my recipes to some kind of file so I can export them to other programs

Description: User can export recipes to a file, which can then be imported using other programs

Actor: User

Precondition: User selects a recipe to be exported

Trigger: User selects to export recipes from list of recipes

Basic Flow:

1. User chooses recipe
2. User selects export
3. App exports the file

Tests: 1.Recipe saves into file

  1. Recipe can be imported by another program
f2prateek commented 11 years ago

Simply export it as a .json file.