CMPUT301W13T06 / classproject

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Organize Ingredients into Folders #71

Open gptrinh opened 11 years ago

gptrinh commented 11 years ago

References Issue #003

Story(optional):As a user, I want to organize ingredients into folders (like fridge, or cabin fridge) and be able to query recipes based on these folders.

Description: User can categorize their ingredients into separate folders

Actor: User

Precondition: User chooses ingredient(s) they wish to categorize

Trigger: User selects to comment on recipes

Basic Flow:

1. User creates a folder for storing separate recipes
2. User selects an ingredient or multiple ingredients via their pantry
3. User chooses to categorize these recipes into a folder that already exists
4. User can later search recipes based on these folders or traverse into these folders for those ingredients


  1. If there is no category or folders created then the users cannot search based on categories and no folders show up
  2. If folders do exist then users can traverse into them and examine ingredients inside and query based on that folders name is possible
  3. If folder exists but is empty then searching based on that folder would return nothing or alert user that it is empty