CMPUT301W23T03 / IHuntWithJavalins

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Geolocation #30

Open Kshah10 opened 1 year ago

Kshah10 commented 1 year ago

Geolocation should be done with GPS location and user cannot input their location in the search.

hobranan commented 1 year ago

I was pondering about this issue as well (since it seemed weird that there were two similar User Stories that had this: <US 05.02.01 As a player, I want to search for nearby QR codes by using geolocation.> <US 06.01.01 As a player, I want to see a map of geo-locations of nearby QR codes.> )

And i agree with you, putting in a text search would take away some of the fun of the app/game.

amoghmpanhale commented 1 year ago

My interpretation of these stories was that 05.02.01 - The game displays to the player a map that they can interact with in their search for QR codes 06.01.01 - The game features a map based on geolocation that is visible to the player I agree with Brandon and Khushi that a text search would diminish the quality of the user experience

hobranan commented 1 year ago

the 5.02 seems redundant. like 6.01 says i want a map to see nearby codes. then 5.02 says same thing but has 'search' (whatever interpretation that means). maybe that 5.02 is just saying the map should not display pins of codes i already have?