CMPUT301W23T03 / IHuntWithJavalins

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Part 3 Deliverables 04 : Test Cases #41

Open hobranan opened 1 year ago

hobranan commented 1 year ago

Write runnable tests for your model and control classes. Provide intent tests for the requirements you have done. Deliver the test code to your source repository. If you have test data files, also include those. Test data should be realistic.

hobranan commented 1 year ago

must also use github actions for this.

hobranan commented 1 year ago

cannot get github actions with Android CI workflow to work because the graddle wrapper .jar file is not being produced in AStudio; this was not mentioned in the Lab 8 so we will need further assistance with this.

hobranan commented 1 year ago

code has robotium test cases