CMPUT301W23T03 / IHuntWithJavalins

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Part 3 Deliverables 07 : User Interface Mockups and Storyboard Sequences #44

Open hobranan opened 1 year ago

hobranan commented 1 year ago

Update these diagrams as appropriate.

hobranan commented 1 year ago

Feedback from TA from Part2-deliverables (for UI stuff:

-Change usernames and codes to be real examples (not username1, etc.). -Remove login feature (app should have only signup, then remembers; so no need for email, password, phone in signup, just keep username and region) -"Contact information needs to be there in the app." Not sure what this comment means; will need to get clarification because our app does list the profile with its username and region (the only real contact information). -Setup map to contain more information for each pin of qr codes (like comment, picture (if available), point size, etc.)

hobranan commented 1 year ago

I updated the UI mockups