CMPUT301W23T03 / IHuntWithJavalins

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Part 4 Deliverables 01 : Addressing Feedback #52

Open hobranan opened 1 year ago

hobranan commented 1 year ago

Address any TA feedback on the previous project part.

hobranan commented 1 year ago

Things to work on (noticed by Brandon): General: -xmls need to be setup for near universal devices (xml view, emulator, and Brandon’s phone also show different layouts for given xml; we hope to fix by using padding, relative constraints, etc.) -color scheme should be chosen -choice of images need to be finalized: (title, company logo, code images, app main icon, in app icons like buttons) -commenting feature needs to be made -navigational restrictions (like bottom 3 buttons (back, menu, home), and in-app back buttons needs to be finalized for what they are allowed to do (e.g. some activity pages shouldn’t have ‘back’ and some should)

Login/Signup: -need to remove edittext default text (or add textview describing edittext bar) to make login/sign-up cleaner

QuickNav page (home page): -add textview to show points and total codes descriptor (i.e. Total Points:)

ScanCode page (camera scanning page): -scanning algorithms seems to make multiple catches of code (thereby initially rendering the code caught as ‘already caught’ even when ‘new’), to update this. Right now it’s setup to show the activity where every code seem new (which is ok for now).

Map page (using open street maps): -Map setup seems to constantly update itself (I believe this allows it to be live but I’m not sure) and this cause the back button to be hard to achieve (must click on map to see zoom buttons, then click back multiple times to get it to move back)

Scoreboard page (sees rankings and other users) -needs to be hooked up to firebase (right now examples are local) -search username function could be reduced to allow partial text matches (right now its exact name searching) -regional locality function needs to be implemented -checking other user’s profile and code list still needs to be work on (partial working of viewing other user’s code list is active, but still needs work)

Profile page: -profile needs to grab rankings data for most codes, most points, highest code value

hobranan commented 1 year ago

TA feedback: -Set up leagues for rankings (like: gold, silver, bronze, initiate) -We can try to create code images using similar style as github user icons (Identicons); could help satisfy US 9.01, in addition to image one -Keep meeting minutes ongoing

After submission Wednesday same time presentation, 4 minutes(test the computer on the projector), in person, live demo: -Demo test data should be realistic -Keep a video backup of the demo in case -Test cases do not need to be run for the demo -Demo is "selling the app" to the customer(walk them through all important user scenarios) -Prof will ask technical questions at the end -Could have 2 emulators on the screen to show how users interact with each other or use an actual phone and project onto the emulator