CMPUT301W23T49 / Code-Catchers-MAIN

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US 02.05.01 - Create a system to assign human-readable names to QR codes. #12

Open JcatZ13 opened 1 year ago

JcatZ13 commented 1 year ago

As a player, I want QR codes to have a unique human-readable name.

Acceptance Criteria

JcatZ13 commented 1 year ago

You can make up any naming system you want. Here's an example with dictionaries.

Given the first 6 bits of a hash we can make up a name:

bit 0: cool, hot

bit 1: Fro, Glo

bit 2: Mo, Lo

bit 3: Mega, Ultra

bit 4: Spectral, Sonic

bit 5: Crab, Shark

So given 000000b

cool FroMoMegaSpectralCrab

So given 101011b

hot FroLoMegaSonicShark

You can use larger dictionaries, but given the same hash you should come up with the same name.