CMS-ECAL-Trigger-Group / SimCalorimetry

a clone of SimCalorimetry from CMSSW for local editing
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Fenix Strip "crystal" Printouts #2

Open atishelmanch opened 4 years ago

atishelmanch commented 4 years ago

EcalFenixStrip debug prints out values of the filter, sfgvb and peak finder, [1] seemingly always for a window of 10. The printouts say "crystal 0, crystal 1, ... crystal 9". Should this really be "crystal" --> "sample" or "clock" or "BX" ?

For instance:


output of EVEN filter is a vector of size: 10 cryst: 0 value : 0 cryst: 1 value : 0 cryst: 2 value : 0 cryst: 3 value : 0 cryst: 4 value : 4 cryst: 5 value : 5 cryst: 6 value : 2 cryst: 7 value : 0 cryst: 8 value : 0 cryst: 9 value : 0

output of ODD filter is a vector of size: 10 cryst: 0 value : 0 cryst: 1 value : 0 cryst: 2 value : 0 cryst: 3 value : 445 cryst: 4 value : 452 cryst: 5 value : 459 cryst: 6 value : 467 cryst: 7 value : 470 cryst: 8 value : 469 cryst: 9 value : 0


In addition, I'm confused as to why it seems a strip can have six crystals (is this possible in EE? I don't remember). For instance, strip 363672 printouts below:

4 363672 88 176 262 352 445 64 64 64 64 64 1 1 1 1 1 88 88 86 90 93 5632 5632 5504 5760 5952 ODD 5 363672 88 174 264 357 452 64 64 64 64 64 1 1 1 1 1 88 86 90 93 95 5632 5504 5760 5952 6080 ODD 6 363672 86 176 269 364 459 64 64 64 64 64 1 1 1 1 1 86 90 93 95 95 5504 5760 5952 6080 6080 ODD 7 363672 90 183 278 373 467 64 64 64 64 64 1 1 1 1 1 90 93 95 95 94 5760 5952 6080 6080 6016 ODD 8 363672 93 188 283 377 470 64 64 64 64 64 1 1 1 1 1 93 95 95 94 93 5952 6080 6080 6016 5952 ODD 9 363672 95 190 284 377 469 64 64 64 64 64 1 1 1 1 1 95 95 94 93 92 6080 6080 6016 5952 5888 ODD



ramankhurana commented 4 years ago

Hi Abe, EcalFenixStrip debug prints out values of the filter, sfgvb and peak finder, [1] seemingly always for a window of 10. The printouts say "crystal 0, crystal 1, ... crystal 9". Should this really be "crystal" --> "sample" or "clock" or "BX" ?

For instance:


output of EVEN filter is a vector of size: 10 cryst: 0 value : 0 cryst: 1 value : 0 cryst: 2 value : 0 cryst: 3 value : 0 cryst: 4 value : 4 cryst: 5 value : 5 cryst: 6 value : 2 cryst: 7 value : 0 cryst: 8 value : 0 cryst: 9 value : 0

about this issue, yes this is typo in the CMSSW version of code, I confirmed this part with David but did not change the code. You can edit it.

For other part I will check tomorrow.

atishelmanch commented 4 years ago

Ok great, thanks for the quick response! Let's keep the issue open until we figure out the second part.