CMSCompOps / WorkflowWebTools
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Mapping T1_UK_RAL_ECHO_Disk #100

Closed paorozo closed 6 years ago

paorozo commented 6 years ago

This issue looks like I am not sure how the recovery tool is mapping the site we need to assign by reading from the ACDC documents, but we have an issue with T1_UK_RAL_ECHO_Disk. We are mapping correctly when we have data in T1_UK_RAL_Disk, the recovery tool selects by default T1_UK_RAL as the site we need to assign. But when data is in T1_UK_RAL_ECHO_Disk no site is selected. @dabercro could you please help us to take a look?

dabercro commented 6 years ago

Okay, yeah. I see the site in the cache file. I'll figure out why it's not getting to the action page.

dabercro commented 6 years ago

@prozober So I think I found the problem. It's checking the site_readiness for 'T1_UK_RAL_ECHO', but that isn't an entry. This should be easy to fix, but do you want this to be entered as 'T1_UK_RAL_ECHO' or as 'T1_UK_RAL' into the tool?

paorozo commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @dabercro. We need this to be entered as 'T1_UK_RAL'.

dabercro commented 6 years ago

The dev port does this now:

dabercro commented 6 years ago

Port 80 does too now. Let me know if I broke anything.