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Interface for special actions #58

Closed paorozo closed 6 years ago

paorozo commented 7 years ago

As discussed in your main issue we need to start thinking about a separated interface where we can take specials action over the workflows. Those actions should not be automatized. The special actions so far are:

  1. By-pass.
  2. Force-complete: this is kind of different because the action should be taken over active workflows, I mean, workflows that are currently running.
dabercro commented 7 years ago

Okay, I'm thinking I can put these as options under the "Other action" option. Does that sound separate enough? I'll leave the "other" textbox for fun, but add another set of options for by-pass and force-complete.

dabercro commented 7 years ago

59 is an example of this. Testing the output on my desktop gives me something that looks like this:

{"fabozzi_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023_161109_181336_2225": {"Action": "special", "Reasons": [], "ACDCs": ["prozober_ACDC0_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023_161121_093315_8014", "prozober_ACDC0_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023_161121_230507_1607", "prozober_recovery-1-fabozzi_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023__161201_144838_1975", "prozober_recovery-3-fabozzi_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023__161201_144903_1794", "prozober_recovery-2-fabozzi_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023__161201_144853_7563", "prozober_recovery-0-fabozzi_Run2016H-v1-ZeroBiasIsolatedBunch5-09Nov2016_8023__161201_144830_2965"], "user": "dabercro", "Parameters": {"action": "by-pass", "other": ""}}}

So if "Action" is "special", checking ["Parameters"]["action"] will give the option chosen. Let me know what you think.