CMSCompOps / WorkflowWebTools
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Taking into account new statuses #75

Open paorozo opened 6 years ago

paorozo commented 6 years ago

@dabercro, Unified has a bigger catalog of statuses right now. We need to include in our recovery tool every request related to any status containing the word "manual": e.g assistance-manual,assistance-manual-recovered... etc.

Furthermore, it would be useful to visualize in the global error view, in which status is sitting every request.

dabercro commented 6 years ago

Just wanted to let you know, I am working on this. It should be simple, but I'm having a little trouble with my local CERN cookie installation to run tests.

paorozo commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much, Dan. This change is critical for us, as I would rather to ACDC recording the actions in our database.

dabercro commented 6 years ago

76 should add all the manual status workflows to the error page. The status isn't displayed yet though, so I'll leave this open.