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First set of performance plots for 2023 #16

Closed sroychow closed 10 months ago

sroychow commented 1 year ago

Title says it all. Here are a few items. Conveners are encouraged to add more.




Common to all :-

Latest approvals from RC can be on 30/06/2023 so that it can be shown in conference starting from July 2nd week.

consuegs commented 1 year ago

Hi @sroychow, all, you can find the plans from the Tracker Alignment group below.

Dates: Pre-approval: 28.06 (if ready one week before we will notify in advance to move the presentation to previous Tracker DPG meeting on 21.06) Approval: 30.06 Twiki page (in construction): People: Sandra, Daina, Lakshmi

In terms of results we plan to prepare two sets of plots

  1. CRAFT alignment / 2022 geometry performance with Cosmics Commissioning data
  2. CRAFT / 900 GeV / 13.6 TeV geometries performance on 13.6 TeV data

Concerning trends, given that we do not have multi-IOV offline object the plan is to leave this for the second note of the year since we would have only one curve to show now.