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Finalize strip performance results from 2022 #6

Closed sroychow closed 5 months ago

sroychow commented 1 year ago

I am opening this issue to converge on the strip performance DPS for 2022. Here are some of the results that should be produced.

sroychow commented 1 year ago

As a start on the first issue, requested ReReco of 2022G data from high lumi fill here

sroychow commented 1 year ago

@mdelcourt please add more info to the description if I missed something.

sroychow commented 1 year ago

Update on rereco for hit eff studies, the ALCARECO datasets are available*%2FRun2022G-SiStripCalMinBias-StripHitEff-v1%2FALCARECO

sroychow commented 1 year ago

ALCAPROMPT files are kept here /eos/cms/store/group/dpg_tracker_strip/comm_tracker/Strip/HitEfficiency/HighLumi2022_CMSSW_12_4_11_patch3/ALCAPROMPT/

The DQM file harvested from the above is kept here /eos/cms/store/group/dpg_tracker_strip/comm_tracker/Strip/HitEfficiency/HighLumi2022_CMSSW_12_4_11_patch3/ALCAPROMPT/ALCAHARVEST