Adds a DATA-END-USER optional header to request logging. This header will be used by data facilitator apps to declare the end user of their requested data.
You can validate the code changes with the added unit test as well as by checking the logs generated from local postman requests. If you add the DATA-END-USER header with any arbitrary string as a value, you should see them in the logs after making your request.
What Security Implications Does This PR Have?
Please indicate if this PR does any of the following:
Adds any new software dependencies
Modifies any security controls
Adds new transmission or storage of data
Any other changes that could possibly affect security?
[ ] Yes, one or more of the above security implications apply. This PR must not be merged without the ISSO or team
security engineer's approval.
Any Migrations?
[ ] Yes, there are migrations
[ ] The migrations should be run PRIOR to the code being deployed
[ ] The migrations should be run AFTER the code is deployed
[ ] There is a more complicated migration plan (downtime,
JIRA Ticket: BB2-3345
What Does This PR Do?
Adds a DATA-END-USER optional header to request logging. This header will be used by data facilitator apps to declare the end user of their requested data.
You can validate the code changes with the added unit test as well as by checking the logs generated from local postman requests. If you add the DATA-END-USER header with any arbitrary string as a value, you should see them in the logs after making your request.
What Security Implications Does This PR Have?
Please indicate if this PR does any of the following:
Adds any new software dependencies
Modifies any security controls
Adds new transmission or storage of data
Any other changes that could possibly affect security?
[ ] Yes, one or more of the above security implications apply. This PR must not be merged without the ISSO or team security engineer's approval.
Any Migrations?