Closed JFU-NAVA-PBC closed 6 days ago
JIRA Ticket: BB2-3471
Due to verifier not propagated at token exchange step, the auth with PKCE is broken (400 error). So revert it for now to unblock r135 deploy
If you're reviewing this PR, please check for these things in particular:
Verify that Swagger UI authorization works - either on a local bb2 server or on a LLE
Please indicate if this PR does any of the following:
Adds any new software dependencies
Modifies any security controls
Adds new transmission or storage of data
Any other changes that could possibly affect security?
[ ] Yes, one or more of the above security implications apply. This PR must not be merged without the ISSO or team security engineer's approval.
JIRA Ticket: BB2-3471
What Does This PR Do?
Due to verifier not propagated at token exchange step, the auth with PKCE is broken (400 error). So revert it for now to unblock r135 deploy
What Should Reviewers Watch For?
If you're reviewing this PR, please check for these things in particular:
Verify that Swagger UI authorization works - either on a local bb2 server or on a LLE
What Security Implications Does This PR Have?
Please indicate if this PR does any of the following:
Adds any new software dependencies
Modifies any security controls
Adds new transmission or storage of data
Any other changes that could possibly affect security?
[ ] Yes, one or more of the above security implications apply. This PR must not be merged without the ISSO or team security engineer's approval.
Any Migrations?