Click "Authorize" button to bring up the OAUTH dialogue, type in the myApp credentials (client_id/client_secret)
Check all scopes, click the "Authorize" button of the OAUTH dialogue
Follow the medicare login flow e.g. login as BBUser00000, grant data access....
Assume the authorize flow completes successfully
Pick any of the OAUTH protected end points, e.g. userinfo, and try it out, should see userinfo response.
Then click "Logout", and then repeat the auth flow step 4 - 8 multiple times - e.g. 4 times
Login into splunk and open up "BB2 Authorization Flow Dashboard", select ENV=test, filter app name selector, and pick only your app - e.g. myApp, query the auth flows in past 60 min, then should be able to see something like below PKCE stats:
the screen shot shows 4 auth flow w PKCE (S256 method):
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JIRA Ticket: BB2-3471
What Does This PR Do?
A follow up PR fixing the PKCE verifier code handling in customized swagger UI code.
What Should Reviewers Watch For?
If you're reviewing this PR, please check for these things in particular:
Refer to "Validation" of PR 1260
Preferred validation - by splunk BB2 auth flow dashboard (TEST ENV):*&form.t_local.earliest=-60m%40m&form.t_local.latest=now
PR deployed to TEST ENV.
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[ ] Yes, one or more of the above security implications apply. This PR must not be merged without the ISSO or team security engineer's approval.
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