CMU-17-356 / dronuts-2019-group-4

dronuts-2019-group-4 created by GitHub Classroom
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Account Login Security #4

Open machang19 opened 5 years ago

machang19 commented 5 years ago

Card As a donut buying customer, I want my account information and password to be private so that no one can steal my personal information.

Conversation Customer: I mean all my information should be stored in a secure database. The password should be encrypted or stored in such a way, so that even your employees cant know what it is

Confirmation All customer information should be stored securely in our database, with the password hashed/encrypted from any developer.

machang19 commented 5 years ago

This is in the mvp because without login security our app is not usable since people want their monetary information secure. This will be one of the first things we work on. Login frameworks should be fairly straightforward. This is a smaller task we estimate should take 4 hours.