CMU-17-356 / dronuts2022-group4

dronuts2022-group4 created by GitHub Classroom
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View Drone Information #12

Open mdunaevs opened 2 years ago

mdunaevs commented 2 years ago

Description: View that shows drone information such as battery life, current location, current order that it is carrying, expected return time.



Estimated Time: 4 hours - For the back-end its mostly just retrieving data, so most of the time would be spent developing the front-end and how list drone information.

Non-MVP Reasoning: Not strictly necessary since the drone API automatically handles behavior for this information.

mdunaevs commented 2 years ago

Description: View that shows drone information such as battery life, current location, current order that it is carrying, expected return time.



Estimated Time: 4 hours - For the back-end its mostly just retrieving data, so most of the time would be spent developing the front-end and how list drone information.

Non-MVP Reasoning: Not strictly necessary since the drone API automatically handles behavior for this information.