Description: Implement an API endpoint that allows students to submit reactions to an answer. This will involve adding reactions and retrieving the current reaction count/status for an answer.
Estimated Effort: 5 hours
Dependencies: US1-1 (Database Schema Update)
Milestone: Sprint 1
Acceptance Criteria: A new API endpoint is available to submit and retrieve reactions. The API should handle various reaction types (e.g., emojis, like buttons) and return the current reaction state for an answer.
Description: Implement an API endpoint that allows students to submit reactions to an answer. This will involve adding reactions and retrieving the current reaction count/status for an answer. Estimated Effort: 5 hours Dependencies: US1-1 (Database Schema Update) Milestone: Sprint 1 Acceptance Criteria: A new API endpoint is available to submit and retrieve reactions. The API should handle various reaction types (e.g., emojis, like buttons) and return the current reaction state for an answer.