CMU-CREATE-Lab / data-visualization-tools

EarthTime, and various data visualization libraries
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Inconsistent usage of underscores and dashes in layer Share link identifier #105

Open rsargent opened 4 years ago

rsargent commented 4 years ago

Almost all Share link identifiers use underscores to separate tokens, but handful of layers use dashes, like "2019-nCOV_infection_confirmed_cases_bubble"

Going to and viewing the layer and clicking share to create a share link, the share link has the dash converted to an underscore:,0,0.489,latLng&t=1.91&ps=50&l=bdrk,2019_nCOV_infection_confirmed_cases_bubble&bt=20200120&et=20200530&startDwell=0&endDwell=0

In moving to the layer database, could we disallow dashes in the layer database, and convert them to underscores on the way in when reading from legacy google sheets?

rsargent commented 3 years ago

Related to #191