CMU-CREATE-Lab / data-visualization-tools

EarthTime, and various data visualization libraries
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Detailed choropleths cause Chrome to run out of memory #110

Open pdille opened 4 years ago

pdille commented 4 years ago

Choropleths that are very detailed or in the case here, have a large number of countries (200+) and spans 100+ days, cause Chrome to run out of memory when loading it. Chrome has a max heap size of ~1GB and we exceed this when loading a layer like this. Note that Firefox does not crash, but this is because the default heap size there is larger.,0,0.178,latLng&t=13.53&ps=50&l=google_maps_silver_inverted_no_extras,country_borders_opaque_gray,school_closures_due_to_covid19&bt=20200215&et=20200629&startDwell=0&endDwell=0

A temporary workaround for the above is cut the number of days being visualized in that layer.

Would be good to find a more optimized way to load in and visualize layers like this.

gabrielo commented 4 years ago

Using the binary tile format for choropleths that @rsargent implemented should fix this.

andrewcberkley commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to share the notebook for generating the binary tile format for choropleths? I ran into this issue a few months ago and @arwright generated it for me, but I'm finding that I'm running into this issue yet again and would love to be able to do it by myself if possible!

rsargent commented 4 years ago

Following up by email