CMU-CREATE-Lab / data-visualization-tools

EarthTime, and various data visualization libraries
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Different Timeline Increments/Basemap for GDP Layer #168

Closed jjkohler closed 3 years ago

jjkohler commented 3 years ago,-20.18342,1.983,latLng&t=2.53&ps=25&l=blsat,gdpPpp&bt=19700101000000&et=19700101000000&startDwell=0&endDwell=0 image,-20.18342,1.985,latLng&t=1.43&ps=25&l=blsat,gdpPpp&bt=19900101&et=20151231&startDwell=0&endDwell=0 image

Both have blsat as the base layer, but it is displaying in staging while invisible in golden. Correct behavior should be chosen.

pdille commented 3 years ago

Timeline fixed. Dates were wrong in the timemachine definition.

As for the base layer discrepancy... I believe this is the result of previously limiting to just one timemachine drawn at once. That performance issue still exists, but in regards to both being drawn now, that is the correct general layer behavior. Whether we want to limit timemachine drawing is up for debate I suppose, but I lean towards this being on the user to choose the layers and if too many are chosen, that's on the user.

jjkohler commented 3 years ago

This specific case has been solved, so unless further discussion is needed, closing this issue.