CMU-CREATE-Lab / data-visualization-tools

EarthTime, and various data visualization libraries
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Some layers don't get default draw order at creation #187

Closed jjkohler closed 3 years ago

jjkohler commented 3 years ago


Census dotmap layers currently have no assigned draw order, so if base layers occur in the link after the dotmap layer, the dotmaps become invisible.

550 is the current proposed draw order for census dotmaps.

An example of the incorrect behavior can be seen here:,-79.92097,9.193,latLng&t=0.03&ps=50&l=bdrk,acs2016_work_young_males,bdrk_detailed&bt=20180101&et=20181231&startDwell=0&endDwell=0

rsargent commented 3 years ago

Census dotmaps are an example. Some outline layers, e.g. school district outlines are another example.

rsargent commented 3 years ago

As of c9d53695efa73ccdf3d35873702485c91185590c, All layers now receive a drawing order, according to the following recipe:

If 'Draw Order' specified in spreadsheet, use that, otherwise: Category 'Base Maps': 100 Map type raster, raster2, timemachine: 200 Map type choropleth: 400 Map type dotmap: 550 Map type vector, bubble: 600 All others: 400

The design doc also specifies Dot flows (e.g. refugees) as 700. These are type='vector', so let's override them in the spreadsheets. (Added as #188)