CMU-CREATE-Lab / flutter-app-android

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Scale sound and soil moisture sensor readings #15

Closed jenncross closed 7 years ago

jenncross commented 7 years ago

From the hardware, 100 value is close, 0 value is far. Invert these so that 100 becomes far and 0 becomes close.

Value does not hit the "close" 100% value ever - should be scaled for Sensor Tab to be sensitive for full value, and then convert back for storage on the Flutter.

Check w/ Josh or @chrisbartley for the scaling values used for sensors with Hummingbird.

jenncross commented 7 years ago

Chris didn't have properties files, so we may need to look at Hummingbird data sheets for the conversion we need.

jenncross commented 7 years ago

Okay so for the sensor value ranges and their mappings:

Need revised:

FYI: Sharp-style Distance Sensor: Near=64 Far=8 <<<< This is what we have in the lab (just FYI, probably best to implement the other)

Good: Knob: Min=0 Max=100 Temperature: Cold=0 Hot=100 Light: Dark=0 Light=~100 Soil: Dry=0 Moist=100

tasota commented 7 years ago

I'm playing with one of the duo-style ones that Emily gave me from the pilot pile and I saw mine go as high as 77, and then I could get it as low as 1 (0, really, if nothing's there).

Also, when we say "invert" would it be sufficient to just switch the order of the adjectives? Seems a lot simpler than inverting the value itself (changing the input min/max isn't difficult though for what we'd need it for)

tasota commented 7 years ago

Used 0-75 as the new scale

jenncross commented 7 years ago

The sound sensor scale still needs to be fixed. Lauren experimentally found that the cap for one sensor to be 22 currently.

Also the moisture sensor seems to cap at 90.

tasota commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I didn't see the sound sensor when I was doing this before (and haven't actually played with one yet honestly).

So, right now the code has 0-75 on distance (plus inverted). And we would also want: Sound: 0-22 Moisture: 0-90

tasota commented 7 years ago

I need to also note to myself that this isn't as trivial as just changing input min/max as we are tricking the users into thinking the range is still 0-100 (especially with having to invert the distance sensor values)

tasota commented 7 years ago
