CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab / caffe_rtpose

Realtime C++ code for multi-person pose estimation
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How can I use openpose in another project? #42

Closed ShihanWang closed 7 years ago

ShihanWang commented 7 years ago

It is my test project: i just copy the file rtpose.cpp to the project. then i write a CMakeLists.txt: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8) PROJECT(test) SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "g++") SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x") find_package(CUDA REQUIRED) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS} /home/wsh/projects/openpose/include /home/wsh/projects/openpose/3rdparty/caffe/include ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(pose rtpose.cpp) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(pose ${CUDA_LIBSS} /home/wsh/projects/openpose/build/lib/ /home/wsh/projects/openpose/3rdparty/caffe/build/lib/ ) Then make error is : /home/wsh/projects/openpose/include/openpose/experimental/face/faceExtractor.hpp:48:29: error: ‘ResizeAndMergeCaffe’ was not declared in this scope std::shared_ptr<ResizeAndMergeCaffe> spResizeAndMergeCaffe; /home/wsh/projects/openpose/include/openpose/experimental/face/faceExtractor.hpp:49:29: error: ‘NmsCaffe’ was not declared in this scope std::shared_ptr<NmsCaffe> spNmsCaffe; ...... I can run the examples successfully in openpose, but in my test project, it can not. i do not understand it. is it a problem between makefile and cmake? How can I use openpose in another project?

gineshidalgo99 commented 7 years ago

Please, move your question to the OpenPose GitHub issues section. I will answer you there so other people can also see it. Thanks!