CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab / caffe_rtpose

Realtime C++ code for multi-person pose estimation
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Can I know why 16 * ceil(NET_RESOLUTION_WIDTH * scale /16)? #43

Closed yxchng closed 7 years ago

yxchng commented 7 years ago

Isn't multiplying by 16 and dividing by 16 equal to not doing anything?

gineshidalgo99 commented 7 years ago

Yes, multiplying by 16 and dividing by 16 equal to not doing anything

But this is the opposite, dividing by 16 and multiplying by 16 is NOT equal to doing nothing. At least not if it's an int. 15 / 16 16 = 0 17 / 16 16 = 16 33 / 16 * 16 = 32

Anyway, i'd highly recommend to move to OpenPose