CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab / openpose_train

Training repository for OpenPose
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Execution of failed for Python3.6.9, although successes for Python2.7.17 #28

Closed ting3000 closed 4 years ago

ting3000 commented 4 years ago

I followed the training/ file to build the code including Caffe on the Ubuntu 18.0.4 box.

After I fixed the syntax error for some print statements in and, I run "python3", it reported the following error: /openpose_train-master/training_results/pose /openpose_train-master/dataset/vgg/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers.caffemodel Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 643, in sDistanceChannels, not sAddMpii) File "/openpose_train-master/training/", line 30, in generateProtoTxt addBkgChannel) File "/openpose_train-master/training/", line 179, in setLayersTwoBranches ntop=4 TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not float

But if I built code (including Caffe) with python2.7.17, I execute "python" successfully.

What is is the cause of the failure of python3.6.9 execution?


gineshidalgo99 commented 4 years ago

Sorry, not sure why Python 3.6 doesn't work while 2.7 does, that's definitely something they changed, we mostly use 2.X. PRs are welcome!

TonightGo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I want to train hand-detector with hand dataset-lmdb separately without training the other models, but there are following lines in :

"if sAddHands: if len(sLmdbFolders) != 6: print('Not prepared for this case') assert(False)"

And there are following lines in the training/

"Set sAddFoot to 1 or 0 to enable/disable combined body-foot. Set sAddMpii, sAddFace and sAddHands to 1 or 0 to enable/disable boyd mpii/face/hands (if 1, then all the above must be also 1)."

How can I realize my needs?

gsoykan commented 2 years ago

@ting3000 you can change "" line 13 & 14 like below for running with python 3 sLabelName = ['label_heat', 'label_vec', 'label_dist', 'heat_weight', 'vec_weight', 'dist_weight', 'heat_temp', 'vec_temp', 'dist_temp'] sLNSize = len(sLabelName)//3

instead of sLNSize = len(sLabelName)/3

so that the variable will be an int one.