CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab / openpose_train

Training repository for OpenPose
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mSources.size()!=nModels.size() at 56, OPDatalayer. src/caffe/openpose/layers/oPDatalayer.cpp #53

Open akhalili opened 3 years ago

akhalili commented 3 years ago

Hi All, I am getting the following error: I0528 23:06:38.117194 164 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer image terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): Error: mSources.size() != mModels.size() at 54, OPDataLayer, src/caffe/openpose/layers/oPDataLayer.cpp

I also read and followed issue #29

any idea? I printed the size of mSources() and mModels.size() there are 1 and 2 in respective.

I also did

set sAddFoot=0,sAddMpii=0, sAddFace=0 and sAddHands=0,sAddDome=0

Here is the first layers:

layer { name: "image" type: "OPData" top: "image" top: "label" data_param { batch_size: 10 backend: LMDB } op_transform_param { stride: 8 max_degree_rotations: "45" crop_size_x: 368 crop_size_y: 368 center_perterb_max: 40 center_swap_prob: 0 scale_prob: 1 scale_mins: "0.333333333333" scale_maxs: "1.5" target_dist: 0.6 number_max_occlusions: "2" sigmas: "7.0" models: "COCO_18;COCO_18_18" sources: "/workspace/openpose_train/dataset/lmdb_coco" probabilities: "1.0" source_background: "/workspace/openpose_train/dataset/lmdb_background" prob_only_background: 0.02 media_directory: "" normalization: 0 add_distance: false } }

agrichron commented 3 years ago

I have same error. My solution is as follows.

When the argument of models in op_transform_param are modified to COCO_18, the error is passed.